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Arrange a consultation appointment

Welcome to the Start-up Support Service of the University of Passau! Do you have an idea, are you developing your first prototype or are you interested in funding programmes for your start-up project? Maybe you would like to apply for start-up funding ("Gründerzeit")? We will be happy to advise you.

Who is the start-up advisory service aimed at?
The start-up consultation is aimed at all members of the University of Passau (i.e. academics, staff, students and alumni). It is sufficient if one team member fulfils this criteria. In addition, it is important that no company has been founded at the time of the request.

Formal criteria:
- University of Passau connection (at least one of your team members is an academic, staff member, student or alumnus).
- Neither a company has been founded for the presented idea, nor a business activity has been started.

yes, I/we meet all formal criteria
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