ClimUP-Newsletter December 2023

Do you want to make a difference and create sustainable changes on campus and in your everyday life?
Get inspired and learn how you can get involved! In this month newsletter, you will find the information you need. Join us and together let's shape a more sustainable and climate-friendly future!

Stay strong

Invitation to the kuwi.webinar 'The Practice of Mindful Self-Compassion' on December 5, 2023

Amidst the many challenging obstacles, it sometimes requires courage to look deeper and become aware of our challenging emotions.

The practice of mindful self-compassion involves the process of 'warming up' our present experience through kindness and the awareness of our interconnectedness, or at other times, protecting and nurturing ourselves with courage and clarity. These emotional resources can particularly support us when we are suffering.

You can gain insight into the practice of mindful self-compassion on December 5, 2023, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm at the KuWi.webinar with mindfulness and compassion teacher Mirjam Luthe. The webinar takes place in German. Information about your participation

Building your knowledge

Free seats in upcoming ZKK-seminars

There are still available seats in some ZKK-seminars (all in German)! Register on Stud.IP to secure your spot!

Stud.IP: 63001 W
Psychology of Climate Justice – From Science to Applied Climate Protection
Sa/Su, 02./03.12.23,  09:00 am - 17:00 pm
Location: (ONLINE via Zoom)
Stud.IP: 63005
Effective Communication on Climate Change
Sa, 09.12.23, 09:00 am - 17:00 pm
Location: (WIWISR 033
Stud.IP: 63004
Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Shaping Business Models Sustainably
Fr, 15.12.23, 09:00 am - 17:00 pm
Location: (LU 8) SR 308

Lecture Series Sustainability: Migration and sustainable development in West Africa on December 06, 2023

This year's sustainability lecture series focuses on sustainability and migration in West Africa, a space that is currently characterized by environmental changes, 
especially climate change, but also intense political disputes and upheavals. Speakers from science and practice will shed light on various aspects of migration and (sustainable) development in West Africa.
The lectures take place every other Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm in HS3 in the Philosophicum building (PHIL). The dates and correspondng topics can be found on the poster.

December lecture:
Wednesday, December 6, 2023, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM: Critical Perspectives on Energy Justice Scholarships with Dr. Festus Boamah

[Translate to Englisch:] Programm der Ringvorlesung, verfügbar als vorlesbare PDF beim Draufklicken

Presentation: Palms and Elephants in Neuburger Forest? Climate Change on a Grand Scale on December 4, 2023

On Monday, December 4, 2023, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm HS9 in the Audimax (AM), GeoComPass e.V. warmly invites you to a German lecture by Dr. Friedrich Pfeil.

Who knows about the treasure trove on the edge of Neuburger Forest? Of the fossils that bear witness to long-past times and ignite our imagination: Palms and elephants in Neuburger Forest. Indeed, during the younger Tertiary, in the Miocene about 20 million years ago, a sea stretched from the young Alps in the south to the edge of Neuburger Forest. In the deposits of this sea, a wealth of various fossils was found: oysters and other sea shells, teeth of sharks and rays, ribs of manatees, and much more. This includes teeth and bones of elephants, rhinoceroses, and crocodiles, as well as petrified tropical woods like palms and mahogany. Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, a paleontologist and publisher born in Passau, will report on this entirely different world.

For more information visit the website of GeoComPass e.V.

How you can participate

Climate-Inspiration-Station on December 11, 2023

Join the Climate Inspiration Station – the place where you can contribute to campus sustainability!

On Monday, December 11, 2023, from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm, come to the NK Foyer to share your ideas for campus climate action – in exchange for a delicious cookie. You also have the opportunity to ask questions about the current campus initiatives. I look forward to seeing you!

Round Table Sustainability on December 14, 2023

We cordially invite you to participate in the next meeting of the Round Table Sustainability.

This time, we are especially pleased to have Prof. Dr. Andreas Eberth, holder of the Chair of Geography with a focus on Education for Sustainable Development, presenting the results from the seminar "Education for Sustainable Development". 

Join us on Thursday, December 14, 2023, from 1:00 to 2:00 pm in WIWI SR 026.We look forward to your participation!

Invitiation to particate at the Tech for Sustainability Campaign 2024

The Tech for Sustainability Campaign 2024 is a global initiative for studentsresearchersstartups and innovative individuals to leverage technology to solve real-world sustainability challenges and shape our future along with Siemens. Participate by choosing a challenge listed below and work on real problems by submitting your ideas. You have the chance to win up to €10,000 per challenge. The submission deadline is December 5, 2023.
You can find more information on the English website of Siemens

What the University does

Recycled paper now available at campus printers

We have exciting news for the new year! Starting January, the University will exclusively use recycled paper.

Following the switch in office printers in 2019, the freely accessible campus printers will now also be equipped with recycled paper. In 2022, University staff alone consumed approximately five tons of paper on these printers. The shift to recycled paper is a significant step towards climate protection and reducing our ecological footprint. Compared to virgin fiber paper, recycled paper saves substantial amounts of water, energy, and wood resources. Additionally, the use of recycled paper leads to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by about one-third, as fewer trees need to be felled and transported. It's important to note that recycled paper meets the same requirements as conventional paper and has a similar level of whiteness.

Kartons warten auf die Abholung durch die Müllabfuhr. Recycling von Altpapier.

What you can do

Sustainable Christmas

Christmas is just around the corner, and with it comes the time to buy and wrap gifts. But did you know that there's also a sustainable way to do this?

  • Instead of material gifts, you can give the gift of shared time, such as a theater visit or a hike. Not only is this more sustainable, but it's also much more valuable.
  • An eco-friendly alternative to traditional gift wrapping is to use newspaper or fabric. This saves resources and makes for an eye-catching presentation.
  • Instead of buying gifts randomly, it's worth asking what is truly needed. This not only saves time and stress but also ensures that the gift has real value.

More ideas needed? Check the WWF website.

[Translate to Englisch:] Weihnachtsgeschenke in wiederverwendbaren Tüchern verpackt

Contact information

Project funding

National Climate Action Initiative

With the National Climate Action Initiative, the German Government has been initiating numerous projects since 2008 that contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Its programs and projects cover a broad spectrum of climate action activities: From the development of long-term strategies to specific support and investive funding measures. This variety is a guarantee for good ideas. The National Climate Action Initiative contributes to the local implementation of climate action activities. Consumers, companies, municipalities and eductional institutions have benefitted from the initiative.

Stelle gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz und die Nationale Klimaschutzinitiative aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestags

V.i.S.d.P.: Universität Passau, Innstraße 41, 94032 Passau
Tel.: 0851/509-4116
In case of questions contact: