Newsletter Familyservice June 2024
This newsletter has been translated using automated translation software. Please note that parts of the translation may, therefore, not be absolutely correct. If you have any questions, please contact the Family Services Office of the University of Passau.

Our topics:
Vacancies for the university's forest kindergarten - apply by 10 June 2024
The University of Passau's forest kindergarten is looking for an educator and a child carer to start on 1 September 2024.
The positions are open-ended. Application deadline is 10.06.2024.
More information can be found in the job advertisements:
Nursery teacher job advertisement (german)
Job advertisement for child carer (german)
Register your child with the Caritas Forest Kindergarten at the University of Passau
The Caritas Forest Kindergarten in Ingling, close to the University of Passau, is due to open in September 2024.
The forest kindergarten is a project of the University Executive in cooperation with the Caritas Association for the Diocese of Passau.
The realisation of this nature-educational childcare facility is an important building block for improving the work–life and study–life balance of our university members.
There will be 20 childcare places for children from the age of 3 until they start school. Children of university members will be given priority, and any remaining places will be allocated to children of non-university members.
The regular opening hours will be Monday to Friday from 7:30 to 14:00.
To make an enquiry or reserve a place for your child, please email us the following details at
- The full names of both parents (given and family names)
- Information on both parents' relationship to the University of Passau: staff, student (please provide the matriculation number) or external/not a university member
- The full name of your child (given and family name)
- The date of birth of your child
- Your address in Passau or in the rural district of Passau (primary residence – "Erstwohnsitz")
- Your current contact details, including telephone number (mobile phone)
We will be happy to reserve a place for your child for September 2024!
The opening of the forest kindergarten in September 2024 is subject to fulfilment of the statutory staffing ratio.
pro familia Niederbayern e. V.: Reading with Teresa Bücker on 26.06.2024 in the Redoute
pro familia Niederbayern e. V. is organising a reading with Teresa Bücker, who will be reading from her book ‘Alle_Zeit: Eine Frage von Macht und Freiheit’.
The event will take place on Wednesday, 26 June 2024, from 19:30 to 21:00, in the Kleiner Redoutesaal, Gottfried-Schäffer-Straße 2, 94032 Passau.
Content: ‘Time is the central resource of our society. But it is not equally available to everyone. Teresa Bücker, one of the most influential publicists in Germany, makes it clear that we now need a radically new culture of time - it is the key to gender and intergenerational justice, a sustainable economy and a future worth living.’ (Source: blurb)
The book was awarded the NDR Non-Fiction Prize 2023.
Teresa Bücker, born in 1984, is a publicist and thought leader in the fields of feminism, labour and society. She has been a columnist for SZ-Magazin since 2019. From 2014 to 2019, she was editor-in-chief of the feminist online magazine EDITION F. As an expert, she is regularly invited to conferences and political talk programmes.
More information and tickets via
Every first Saturday of the month: free childcare in the Stadtgalerie Passau
Every first Saturday of the month, free childcare with creative activities is offered for children aged 4 to approx. 10 years on the upper floor of the Stadtgalerie.
Advance booking is not necessary.
More information at
City of Passau: Calendar of events ‘Leisure and holiday fun for children and young people in Passau’
Events in June 2024 for families with babies, children and young people can be found on the City of Passau website
Cures for parents and carers: start planning about a year in advance
If you have an increased risk of certain illnesses in connection with family stress or are already ill, you are legally entitled to inpatient preventive and rehabilitation measures.
Due to the increased need for mother-child and father-child cures following the coronavirus pandemic, it is currently advisable to start planning a cure about a year in advance.
Mother-child cures and father-child cures are a compulsory benefit provided by statutory health insurance. Such a cure usually lasts three weeks and should help you to cope better with everyday life and look to the future with confidence. If you are in need of a cure, your doctor can prescribe a cure for you, which you must then apply for from your health insurance company.
The Mothers' Convalescence Organisation supports mothers, fathers and family carers with comprehensive health services at over 70 facilities throughout Germany. The non-profit clinics recognised by the Müttergenesungswerk offer cures for mothers and fathers as well as for carers. There are mother's cures (without children), mother-child cures and father-child cures or cures especially for carers. On the website of the Müttergenesungswerk you will find, among other things, a search engine for counselling centres in your area.
The Mutter-Kind-Hilfswerk e. V. also offers an overview of the necessary steps and free (telephone) counselling.
You can also search for and compare suitable treatment and rehabilitation clinics on Rehaprotal Qualitätskliniken.
Further information on mother and father-child cures can usually also be found on the website of your health insurance provider.