Daphne Santiago presented her initial research findings at the Southeast Asia Research Colloquium at the University of Passau on June 6, 2024. Her presentation centered around her key initial findings from her first…
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) published two birefs on reducing food loss and valorizing fruits and residues. To look into the contribution made by our project you can open the following links.
On Thursday, May 23, 2024, our PhD student, Franziska Jäckel, presented her latest research at the research colloquium from the chair of Critical Development Studies at the University of Passau.
Last Wednesday 22nd of May our research group Bioeconomy Economics, had the pleasure to receive a group of bachelor students and researchers from the University of Pereira from Colombia.
Dr. Terese Venus and Daphne Santiago presented on community development through residue valorization at the Food and Agriculture Organization’s Workshop on Resilience and Sustainability in Tropical Fruit Value Chains.
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