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3rd Roundtable Digital Security - 24.01.2024 16:00-19:00

We invite you to our next exchange on the topic of digital security at the University of Passau. These roundtable events seek to foster a continuous exchange between researchers and users - also among each other - in the field of IT security in the Passau area.

The focus for the 3rd Roundtable is "Vehicular Security".

This event is also explicitly aimed at future graduates with an interest in IT security.

Presentations will be in English.

Please register free of charge by 17.01.2024 at https://register4roundtable.digsec.de

| Reading time: 1 min.

24.01.2024, 16:00-19:00h

University of Passau - ITZ Room 017 - Innstrasse 43, 94032 Passau (parking spaces in the building)


16:00 Opening of the event and introduction of participants 
16:15 Presentation on current research at the University of Passau (30 min.)
                    Prof. Dr. Stefan Katzenbeisser (Speaker of the Passau Institute of Digital Security)
16:45 Information Security and Vehicle Cybersecurity (45 min.)
                    Alexander Schwarz, Thomas Faschang & Thomas Stadlmann (KTM)
17:30 Questions and joint discussion of the participants (30 min.)
18:00 Time for individual discussions and break in the foyer 
19:00 End  

Information and updates at https://roundtable.digsec.de  

Please register free of charge by 17.01.2024 at https://register4roundtable.digsec.de

For further questions please contact


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