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Degree programmes

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Bachelor's programmes

Programme Starts in
B.Sc. Business Administration and Economics October
B.A. Catholic Theology (online-taught programme)  
B.Sc. Computer Science April & October
B.Sc. Digital Transformation in Business and Society October
B.A. European Studies April & October
B.A. European Studies Major April & October
B.A. Governance and Public Policy
(Political Science, Economics, History, Sociology and Public Law)
B.A. Historical Sciences
April & October
B.Sc. Information Systems October
B.A. International Cultural and Business Studies
(Foreign languages, Business Administration and Cultural Studies)
B.Sc. Internet Computing April & October
B.A. Journalism and Strategic Communication October
B.A. Language and Text Sciences April & October
LL.B. Legal Tech October
B.Sc. Mathematics October
B.A. Media and Communication October

All bachelor's programmes are taught in German.

Master's programmes

Programme Starts in Language of instruction
M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence Engineering April & October English
M.A. Bildwissenschaft October German
M.Sc. Business Administration April & October English
M.A. Charity Studies and Values-based Management October German
M.A. Communication in Digital Societies October German
M.Sc. Computational Mathematics April & October English
M.Sc. Computer Science April & October German & English
M.A. Development Studies October English
M.A. European Studies April & October German
M.A. Geography: Culture, Environment and Tourism October German
LL.M. German Law for Foreign Graduates October German
M.A. Governance and Public Policy April & October German & English
M.A. History and Society April & October German
M.Sc. Information Systems April & October German
M.A. International Cultural and Business Studies April & October German
M.Sc. International Economics and Business October English
LL.M. Legal Informatics April & October German
M.A. Semiotics of Texts and Culture April & October German
Please note that you can only begin a Master's programme if you have a relevant first degree (Bachelor's, Diplom, State Examination or Magister).  

Double degree options for the undergraduate programmes


Partner university

Degrees awarded

Law undergraduate programme London (UK) or
Toulouse (France) or
Toledo (Spain)

If you choose the Foreign Law specialisation, some programmes allow you to obtain the corresponding foreign law degree in addition to your specialisation at the University of Passau.
First State Examination for Jurists (Passau) and
Bachelor of Laws (London),
Licence en droit (Toulouse) or
Grado en Derecho (Toledo)
Governance and Public Policy - International Relations Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Bachelor in International Relations

Governance and Public Policy Parma (Italy) Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Laurea „Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali“
International Cultural and Business Studies (information in German) Buenos Aires (Argentina) Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Licenciatura en Gerenciamiento Económico Intercultural
Language and Text Sciences

České Budějovice (Czech Republic)

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Bc. Německy jazyk a literatura

Double degree options for the master's programmes

Faculty of Law


Partner university

Degrees awarded

German, French and European Business Law Lille (France) Master Droit, Economie, Gestion (Mention Droit Européen)

Faculty of Business, Economics and Information Systems


Partner university

Degrees awarded

Business Administration Budapest (Hungary) Master of Science (M.Sc.)
awarded by both universities
Business Administration Chengdu (China) Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Master in Entreprise Management
Business Administration Chennai (India) Master of Science (M.Sc.) (Passau)
Joint Master (IIT Madras)
Business Administration Newark (USA) Master of Science (M.Sc.) 
M.S. Engineering Management
Business Administration (Specialisation: Information Systems) Metz (France) Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Mater in Marketing, Vente
Business Administration (Specialisation: Information Systems) Turku (Finland) Master of Science (M.Sc.)
awarded by both universities
Information Systems Chennai (India) Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Joint Master (IIT Madras)
Information Systems Turku (Finland) Master of Science (M.Sc.)
awarded by both universities

Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies


Partner university

Degrees awarded

European Studies Malaga (Spain) Master of Arts (M.A.)
Máster en Estudios Ingleses y Comunicatión Multilingüe e Intercultural
European Studies Strasbourg (France) Master of Arts (M.A.)
Master Relations internationales et langues
International Cultural and Business Studies Istanbul (Turkey)

Master of Arts (M.A.)
awarded by both universities

Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences


Partner university

Degrees awarded

Governance and Public Policy - Multilevel Governance and International Relations Budapest (Hungary) Master of Arts (M.A.)
awarded by both universities
Governance and Public Policy - International Relations or European Studies Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Master of Arts (M.A.) and
Magister in International Relations or
Magister in European Studies

Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics


Partner university

Degrees awarded

Computer Science Evry (France) Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Diplôme d’Ingénieur ENSIIE
Computer Science Lyon (France) Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Diplôme d’Ingénieur INSA

Computer Science

Tunis (Tunisia)


Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Diplôme d’Ingénieur

Doctoral study

Those graduating with a master's degree – or with a bachelor's degree and excellent marks – can go on to study for a doctorate at the University of Passau.

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Bachelor's degrees




Teacher Education Programmes


Master's degrees


Int'l programmes


Subject areas


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Additional qualifications


English-taught modules

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