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Health and wellbeing

The University of Passau wants to help you stay healthy during your studies. On this page you can find out what advice and support is available to you, both within and outside the University.

The Psychological-Psychotherapeutic Counselling Centre is available to you as a student of the University of Passau during your studies with individual counselling and support services.

We offer students in difficult life situations, personal crises and students with psychological stress a first competent point of contact. Our offer is free of charge and subject to confidentiality. You are also welcome to contact us preventively.


  • Send an email to: psychologische.beratung@uni-passau.de. For data security reasons, please use your University of Passau student email address.
  • You can also call +49 851 509 1153 during the office hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 - 12.00 am.

Dr Ulrike Bunge, the Student Disabilities Officer, will gladly advise you on all questions related to your studies and on the possibility of exam access arrangements. If you have any special needs, please contact us. Together, we will try to find a solution tailored to your personal needs.

To make an appointment, call +49 851 509 1154 or send an email to ulrike.bunge@uni-passau.de.

Taking up university study goes hand-in-hand with many changes. Everything is new: your environment, friends and acquaintances, where you live, your new role as a student and a completely new way of learning. All of these are nice challenges – but particularly as an international student it's easy to feel overwhelmed. The psychological counselling team at the Studierendenwerk (Student Services Association for Lower Bavaria and Upper Palatinate) has an open ear for all your concerns – be they large or small – and supports you professionally and confidentially.

Overview of services offered

  • Free short and medium-term individual psychological counselling
    • by phone or via video
    • for all types of crises and stresses – at university or in private life
    • for all types of psychological symptoms such as (exam) anxiety, depression, addiction, loneliness or disorientation
  • Referrals to other services and help with finding therapy places
  • Study skills advice
    • in German and English
  • Counselling sessions are subject to medical confidentiality


The easiest way to request an appointment is by sending an email to psychologische-beratung@stwno.de

The University of Passau supports students with developing the skills to self-manage their wellbeing. This helps students to master their studies both healthily and successfully and provides them with valuable skills for their subsequent professional life.

The Centre for Careers and Competencies (ZKK) offers several seminars which focus primarily on time management, coping techniques for stressful times, and mindfulness.

Courses and seminars

SoSe 25
Termine am Samstag, 12.04.2025 - Sonntag, 13.04.2025 09:00 - 17:00, Ort: (ONLINE via ZOOM)
Termine am Montag, 14.04.2025 15:00 - 19:00, Dienstag, 15.04.2025 10:00 - 14:00, Ort: (ONLINE via ZOOM)
Termine am Mittwoch, 16.04.2025 09:00 - 17:00, Ort: (ONLINE via ZOOM)
WiSe 24/25
Termine am Donnerstag, 24.10.2024 19:00 - 20:00, Ort: (ONLINE über Zoom)
Termine am Samstag, 09.11.2024 - Sonntag, 10.11.2024 09:00 - 17:00, Ort: (LU 8) R 206
Termine am Samstag, 12.10.2024 - Sonntag, 13.10.2024 09:00 - 17:00, Ort: (LU 8) SR 308
Termine am Samstag, 19.10.2024 - Sonntag, 20.10.2024 09:00 - 17:00, Ort: (LU 8) SR 307
Termine am Samstag, 30.11.2024 - Sonntag, 01.12.2024 09:00 - 17:00, Ort: (LU 8) SR 307
Termine am Sonntag, 12.01.2025 09:30 - 17:30, Ort: (WIWI) SR 029
Termine am Freitag, 08.11.2024 16:00 - 20:00, Samstag, 09.11.2024 10:00 - 14:00, Ort: (LU 8) SR 307
Termine am Freitag, 11.10.2024 09:00 - 17:00, Ort: (LU 8) R 206
Termine am Mittwoch, 06.11.2024, Mittwoch, 13.11.2024, Mittwoch, 20.11.2024, Mittwoch, 27.11.2024 18:00 - 19:30, Ort: (ONLINE über Zoom)

We listen. We accompany. We support. Pastoral care. Guidance.
Everyone is faced with new challenges. Turning points in life, crises or repetitive questions.
We offer help and support. Students and employees can contact us at any time.

  • We are here for questions and problems, listen when you are worried and just have a lovely conversation
  • We are bound by pastoral confidentiality.
  • We offer spirituality and coaching: spiritual guidance and nature coaching.
  • We apply a holistic approach from a Christian point of view.
  • We offer support in personal crises and are open to all your concerns.
  • (Non-)religious or denominational affiliation is irrelevant for us.

The Chaplaincy at the University of Passau exists to promote spiritual and social wellbeing. It is open to everyone – students and staff – from all backgrounds and cultures. People of all faiths and no religious faith are welcome.


Sonja Sibbor-Heißmann (university pastor, nature-coach-to-be, ESG)
Phone: +49 851 509 1975
E-mail: esg@uni-passau.de

Andreas Erndl (pastor, spiritual guide, KSG)
Phone: +49 851 966 7402
Mobile: +49 171 2827124
E-mail: andreas.erndl@bistum-passau.de

Florian Weber (pastor, KSG consultant)
Phone: +49 851 966 7401
E-mail: florian.weber@bistum-passau.de

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