Upon admission to the Honors Program, each Honors student is assigned a university mentor. During participation in the Honors Program, the mentor regularly exchanges ideas with his or her mentees in individual or group meetings and offers advice and support on study or practice-related issues.
Accounting, Finance, Taxation (AFT)
- Professor Markus Diller
- Professor Oliver Entrop
- Professor Vanessa Flagmeier
- Professor Robert Obermaier
- Professor Ralf Kellner
- Professor Christoph Pelger
Economics (ECON)
- Professor Stefan Bauernschuster
- Professor Michael Grimm
- Professor Sebastian Krautheim
- Professor Johann Graf Lambsdorff
Management, Innovation, Marketing (MIM)
- Professor Suleika Bort
- Professor Marina Fiedler
- Professor Carolin Häussler
- Professor Andreas König
- Professor Dirk Totzek
Information Systems (WINF)
- Professor Thomas Widjaja
- Professor Jin Gerlach
- Professor Jan Krämer
Quantitative Methods
- Professor Alena Otto