Welfare advice online

The Corona crisis affects us all and presents many of us with new challenges. For families, parents-to-be or people with disabilities these challenges can prove particularly significant. The University of Passau is aware of this and wants to support all those who are particularly affected by the Corona crisis.
This page offers an overview of social counselling services at the University of Passau, which are also available in digital form. Please do not hesitate to take advantage of the offers – the respective contact persons will be happy to advise you by e-mail, telephone or video communication.
If you have any further questions, please read our up-to-date information page on the novel coronavirus. The University's Communication and Marketing Division is constantly expanding the information on the novel coronavirus to include new frequently asked questions about study and teaching, and especially examinations.
Do you have further questions on welfare issues? Then please contact Ms Theresa Schmidt by e-mail.
Everyone needs help, time and space to talk and someone who listens to our problems once in a while. The psychological counselling service and the chaplaincy there for you.
The university chaplains and the psychologists are bound by professional confidentiality (psychotherapist-patient or confessional privilege, as the case may be) and are available to everyone, regardless of their religion or world view.
Catholic Student Community Passau (KSG)

University Chaplain
Mr Andreas Erndl
Phone: +49 851 96 67 402
E-mail: andreas.erndl@bistum-passau.de

KSG Adviser – pastoral care
Florian Weber
Telephone: +49 851 966 7402
E-mail: florian.weber@bistum-passau.de
Protestant Student Community Passau (ESG)

University Chaplain
Sonja Sibbor-Heißmann
Telephone: +49 851 509 1975
E-Mail: esg@uni-passau.de
Psychological Counselling Service
currently reachable at the phone number:
+49 8509 9379150
Telefonseelsorge Passau, a crisis hotline, is there to help you times of personal crisis. Their service is entirely anonymous, and you will be able to talk to a competent person at any time of the day or night. This crisis hotline is offered free of charge, the phone number is +49 800 111 0 222. For additional information visit the website (German).
If you have problems with your studies due to a disability or chronic illness or if you require exam access arrangements, please contact the Students Disabilities Officer. Write an e-mail to Dr Ulrike Bunge or make an appointment for a telephone consultation at +49 851 509 1154.
Applications for exam access arrangements should be submitted to the Examinations Office. Ms Monika Stockinger will be happy to assist with this matter.
You can contact the Representative for the Severely Disabled by e-mail. Consultations are currently conducted by telephone or video chat. Further information can be found on the website of the Representative for the Severely Disabled (German).
University members who are victims of bullying, stalking, discrimination, sexual harassment or similar behaviour, who are being threatened by someone else or who may be at risk of self-harm should contact the Threat Management Team. Your information will be kept in the strictest confidence. The members of the Threat Management Team act as persons of trust within the University.
Please note that the availability of the team members, especially by telephone, is currently very limited. Therefore, please use the team e-mail address, at which you can reach all members of the Threat Management Team.
Further information can also be found in the Fair Play Guidelines. In it, the University of Passau adopts a clear position against any kind of bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment, stalking and similar behaviour that is demeaning or infringes upon personal rights.
In the event of sexual harassment or domestic violence, you can turn to both the University's services points and external help centres. On the Women's Representative's webpages provides information and a list of contact details for the various contact points (in German).
You can also find further information on the website 'Gewalt loswerden' of the Bavarian State Ministry for Family, Work and Welfare.
The Family Service of the University of Passau will continue to provide you with comprehensive advice on topics such as parental leave, maternity leave, caring for relatives and finding a balance between family life and your studies or career. If you have any questions, please contact Ms Marie-Helene Wünsch by e-mail. You can also find more information on the Family Services website. Unfortunately, consultations in person are not currently possible due to the coronavirus situation.
The current situation poses great challenges, especially for parents of young children. To support parents, the children's hospital Dritter Orden Passau gives an overview with practical tips and advice for everyday life at home with children, especially during the lockdown, on its website. These are focused on emergency care and financial assistance, as well as recommendations for meaningful activities and learning. (Please note that this external website is in German only.)
The Bavarian State Ministry for Family, Work and Welfare has put together pages with tips and links to support daily family life, education specialists and parents on its website. The information is divided into the categories 'For families', 'For educational professionals', 'Child and youth support services' and 'Bavarian violence protection and prevention concept'. (Please note that this external website is in German only.)
You can also find up-to-date information on childcare (in German) on their website.
Support for prospective doctoral students as well as doctoral and postdoctoral researchers
The Graduate Centre continues to support prospective doctoral students as well as doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in many different ways - also via Zoom.
For minor issues, please come in during the Graduate Centre's drop-in hour (with Dr. Stefan Halft). The drop-in hour from 8.30 to 9.30 a.m. on every Tuesday. For the duration of contact restrictions, you can take part in the drop-in hour via Zoom. No registration necessary.
Please schedule appointments for more complex matters as well as for career advice and the competence balance sheet (Kompetenzbilanz) by e-mail or online.
Further information on the advisory services available can be found on the Graduate Centre website.
The International Office and the International Support Service are on hand to help you through the current crisis.
I am an international student at the University of Passau. I have questions or need help with a problem. Whom can I ask for advice?
Exchange students should address their questions to the Head of the International Office, Ms Stefanie Dallmeier:

Head of the International Office
Support for international exchange students
Regular students seeking a degree at the University of Passau should contact the iStudi Coach, Ms Luise Haack:

Head of International Support Services
Support for international degree-seeking students
International doctoral students should contact Ms Pammela Ramos Quintelal at the Welcome Centre:
If you have general questions about your studies, want to change your course of study or are thinking of discontinuing your studies, please contact the Academic Advice Service. They will be happy to help you by e-mail or advise you personally by telephone. Please make an appointment: +49 851 509 1154
Programme advice:
If you have specific questions about your degree programme, please contact the academic adviser for your study programme.
For medical questions, contact the public health department or the general practitioners ('Hausarzt'). You can reach the Passau health department at: +49 851 397 850