Caring for a family member

An ever increasing number of people are challenged with having to combine their work or studies with care responsibilities.
The issue of care for elderly relatives will affect almost everyone at some point. However, younger family members with disabilities or seriously ill relatives can be also permanently dependent on support and care.
The University would like to support its members as much as possible when it comes to reconciling family responsibilities with work or studies.
We will help you take the first steps and explain where to find further advice and local points of contact.
- Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth:
- Better compatibility of family, care and work – arrangements for short-term work incapacity with care allowance, care time and family care time
- The care telephone: quick help for relatives
- Pause button. Those who help others sometimes need help themselves: An offer for children and young people who care for their families (German)
- Residential care services and care advice at a (German)
- Independent care advice via care centres or specialist centres for caring relatives. Advice centres in your area: Center for Quality in Care
- Federal Ministry of Health:In need of care. What now? The first steps to rapid assistance and care guide
- Bavarian state care allowance:Conditions of eligibility: Application
- Be prepared for accident or illness: City of Passau's Emergency Dossier
- German statutory accident insurance:Care at home – how to make it a success!
- Federal Ministry of Justice: Enduring Power of Attorney
Counselling for caring relatives is offered by the Caritasverband für Stadt und Landkreis Passau e. V., further information can be found on the Caritas website.
The Bavarian Red Cross (BRK) offers support for carers in the Passau district; further information can be found on the BRK website.
Through its Senior citizens' office, the Passau District Administration provides information about offers in the area of care, such as the 'emergency dossier', the senior citizens' signpost or the dementia guide as well as contacts in the Passau district. The information is provided in German.
First points of contact for those with statutory and private health insurance
To receive advice about care, people with statutory health insurance should contact their statutory health insurance company; people with private insurance should contact Compass Private Pflegeberatung (Compass Private Care Consulting).
In addition, the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care provides information on the benefits of the statutory nursing insurance.
Pflegeservice Bayern (Bavaria Care Service)
Pflegeservice Bayern serves as an important information point and point of contact for questions relating to care for all those with statutory health insurance. The aim here is to maintain, promote and improve independence and quality of life.
Free advice hotline: 0800 772 1111
The main tasks are:
- Support in continuing to live at home
- Dealing with excessive demands
- Professional information with the aim of improving the quality of life
- Improvement of general conditions by pointing out offers of help
- Prevention of malpractice in the event of unsecured care
Information for caring relatives
- Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care: Information about care
- Federal Ministry of Family Affairs: Information on taking time out in acute cases
- Federal Ministry of Health: Information and advice on care
- Netzwerk pflegeBegleitung: Support for caring and nursing relatives
- Wir pflegen e. V.: Cooperation and networking for caring relatives
- Wege zur Pflege: Information on all aspects of care as well as telephone advice and rapid assistance for relatives
- ZQP Zentrum für Qualität in der Pflege: Topic-related search for offers and advice relating to care in your area
On its website, the city of Passau offers advice on benefit claims in the event of needing long-term care and provides information about offers of advice and assistance for senior citizens.
On its "Ageing at Home" website, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth provides information on all topics relating to living with old age.
Here you will find, among other things, tips for accessible living as well as information about useful aids to ensure more safety in everyday life.
Further information is available from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth Guide to living with old age.
Living at home
Outpatient nursing services
There are numerous outpatient care services in and around Passau. You can find a selection here:
Bayerisches Rotes Kreuz (Bavarian Red Cross) Kreisverband Passau
(Privately organised outpatient care services such as Gaby's Pflegedienst, Ambulanter Pflegedienst "Johanna" or HAND IN HAND supplement Passau's care offers).
You can also use the AOK's Care Navigator to locate suitable care services in your area.
Housing advice
The specialist units and points of contact for elderly, sick or disabled people in the city of Passau organise events and lectures on the topic of housing advice and are always available for advisory appointments.
Fachstelle und Anlaufstelle für ältere Menschen Stadt Passau, Altes Rathaus (access via Rathausplatz)
Rathausplatz 2
94032 Passau
Phone: +49 851 3960
Visiting service
"Malteser in Passau" organises and coordinates the project group of the Bavarian Red Cross, Caritas, Diakonie, Hospice Association, Catholic German Women's Federation and Malteser International, which offers a domestic visiting service in Passau.
Inpatient care facilities
Here, the city of Passau provides an overview of old people's homes and homes for those with disabilities in Passau. For further information, please get in touch with the respective homes' contact person.
Assisted living
Short-term care
Abuse and aggression by family caregivers, i.e. those providing care to a loved one at home is an important topic. Further information can be found on the website of the ederal Ministry of Health.
The Psychological Counselling Service assists students of the University of Passau during their studies with individual counselling and support services, tries to make their integration into the university easier and helps them to fulfil the requirements of their studies well. Please find detailed information on the website of the Psychological Counselling Service.