
We promote diversity and multiplicity
'Diversity' refers to the diversity of people, backgrounds and life situations. For the University, diversity is a means to become even more vibrant, cosmopolitan and equitable. The diversity of its students, teachers and staff is both a responsibility and a strength of the University.
At the University of Passau, there are numerous offers and contact persons for diversity. If you have any questions, problems or ideas, please feel free to use the open office hours!
News for the winter semester 2024/25
Workshops to note in advance
from October 2024: Self-Defence Trainings for Women (dt./engl.), Stud.IP 69032 to69039
26./27. October 2024: Management kultureller Vielfalt im Unternehmen, Stud.IP 61054 W
26./27. October 2024: Management of international projects (engl.), Stud.IP: 62025
09./10. November 2024: Ein starker Auftritt. Selbstpräsentation für Frauen, Stud.IP: 60021
23. November 2024: Frauenstärken stärken, Stud.IP: 60057
07. December 2024: Empowerment for BIPoC-Students (engl.), Stud.IP: 63031
07./08. December 2024: Rhetorik: Seminar für Frauen, Stud.IP: 61022
18. January 2025: Stimm- und Kommunikationstraining für Frauen, Stud.IP: 61007
18./19. January 2025: Intercultural Competence: Connecting across cultures (engl.), Stud.IP: 61072 W
Further information can be found in the ZKK-Programme for the winterterm 2024/25.
Workshops to note in advance
from October 2024: Self-Defence Trainings for Women (dt./engl.), Stud.IP 69032 to69039
26./27. October 2024: Management kultureller Vielfalt im Unternehmen, Stud.IP 61054 W
26./27. October 2024: Management of international projects (engl.), Stud.IP: 62025
09./10. November 2024: Ein starker Auftritt. Selbstpräsentation für Frauen, Stud.IP: 60021
23. November 2024: Frauenstärken stärken, Stud.IP: 60057
07. December 2024: Empowerment for BIPoC-Students (engl.), Stud.IP: 63031
07./08. December 2024: Rhetorik: Seminar für Frauen, Stud.IP: 61022
18. January 2025: Stimm- und Kommunikationstraining für Frauen, Stud.IP: 61007
18./19. January 2025: Intercultural Competence: Connecting across cultures (engl.), Stud.IP: 61072 W
Further information can be found in the ZKK-Programme for the winterterm 2024/25.
On 6 March 2024, the University of Passau was awarded the 'Vielfalt gestalten' certificate by the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V. This marks the successful completion of the diversity audit in which the University has participated since the end of 2021 and certifies that the University regards the diversity of its students and employees as an opportunity and has found ways to use this potential for organisational development. Dr Claudia Krell, Head of the Executive Support Unit for Diversity and Gender Equality, and Regine Fahn, Consultant for Diversity Management, accepted the certificate in Berlin on behalf of the university.
"Vielfalt gestalten" - Diversity Audit
On 6 March 2024, the University of Passau was awarded the 'Vielfalt gestalten' certificate by the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V. This marks the successful completion of the diversity audit in which the University has participated since the end of 2021 and certifies that the University regards the diversity of its students and employees as an opportunity and has found ways to use this potential for organisational development. Dr Claudia Krell, Head of the Executive Support Unit for Diversity and Gender Equality, and Regine Fahn, Consultant for Diversity Management, accepted the certificate in Berlin on behalf of the university.
"Vielfalt gestalten" - Diversity Audit
The Diversity & Gender Certificate is a cooperation with Lehre+ Hochschuldidaktik and is aimed at teachers. The function of the certificate is the professional development and expansion of diversity- and gender-sensitive teaching, examination and counselling skills.
Information on the seminars in the winter semester 2024/25
- Inklusion als Thema in der eigenen Lehre, Dr. Florian Salzberger
Stud.IP 68853
Time: 15.11.2024 09:00-16:00 Uhr, Place: (IG) SR 207 - Teaching in Multicultural Learning Environments (in English), Jyotika Dalal
Stud.IP 68861
Time: 17.01.2025 08:30-16:00 Uhr, Place: (IG) SR 207 - Studierende in Belastungssituationen: Beratung – Begleitung – Handlungsmöglichkeiten, Maximilian Riegel
Stud.IP 68863
Time: 24.01.2025 09:00-16:30 Uhr, Place: Online via Zoom - Alles so schön bunt hier! – Gender- und diversitysensibel lehren, prüfen und betreuen, Muriel Aichberger
Stud.IP 68871
Time: 13.02.25 09:00 - 16:30, Place: Online via Zoom
Thematic Certificate Diversity and Gender
The Diversity & Gender Certificate is a cooperation with Lehre+ Hochschuldidaktik and is aimed at teachers. The function of the certificate is the professional development and expansion of diversity- and gender-sensitive teaching, examination and counselling skills.
Information on the seminars in the winter semester 2024/25
- Inklusion als Thema in der eigenen Lehre, Dr. Florian Salzberger
Stud.IP 68853
Time: 15.11.2024 09:00-16:00 Uhr, Place: (IG) SR 207 - Teaching in Multicultural Learning Environments (in English), Jyotika Dalal
Stud.IP 68861
Time: 17.01.2025 08:30-16:00 Uhr, Place: (IG) SR 207 - Studierende in Belastungssituationen: Beratung – Begleitung – Handlungsmöglichkeiten, Maximilian Riegel
Stud.IP 68863
Time: 24.01.2025 09:00-16:30 Uhr, Place: Online via Zoom - Alles so schön bunt hier! – Gender- und diversitysensibel lehren, prüfen und betreuen, Muriel Aichberger
Stud.IP 68871
Time: 13.02.25 09:00 - 16:30, Place: Online via Zoom
Thematic Certificate Diversity and Gender
Services and contact persons in the field of diversity
Various funding opportunities are available for female students and young researchers at the University of Passau.
- Scholarships for young female scientists
- Scholarships for female students in MINT subjects
- Funding for conference and research trips
- External funding opportunities
- Study-with-Child Award
Scholarships and prizes
Various funding opportunities are available for female students and young researchers at the University of Passau.
- Scholarships for young female scientists
- Scholarships for female students in MINT subjects
- Funding for conference and research trips
- External funding opportunities
- Study-with-Child Award

Scholarships and prizes
MINT women’s network
Prof. Dr. Jan-Oliver Decker acts as the contact person for LGBTIQ+ concerns at the University of Passau.
In addition, the Executive Support Unit Diversity and Gender Equality will be happy to assist you at any time.
You can also find information on Change of given name and gender entry for transgender students.
Unisex bathrooms can be found here
- HK12, 1. OG 123
- HK 14b, EG 010
- NK, 1. OG 129 und 2. OG 234a
- WiWi, 1. OG 128
- M, 1. OG 164b
- JUR, EG 025
- IZT/IH, EG 014
Further internal and external offers:
Die Queere Hochschulgruppe (Group for queer students)
LGBTQ Stammtisch Passau
Queer in Niederbayern e.V.
Up2you – Counselling centre for queer people in Lower Bavaria
Prof. Dr. Jan-Oliver Decker acts as the contact person for LGBTIQ+ concerns at the University of Passau.
In addition, the Executive Support Unit Diversity and Gender Equality will be happy to assist you at any time.
You can also find information on Change of given name and gender entry for transgender students.
Unisex bathrooms can be found here
- HK12, 1. OG 123
- HK 14b, EG 010
- NK, 1. OG 129 und 2. OG 234a
- WiWi, 1. OG 128
- M, 1. OG 164b
- JUR, EG 025
- IZT/IH, EG 014
Further internal and external offers:
Die Queere Hochschulgruppe (Group for queer students)
LGBTQ Stammtisch Passau
Queer in Niederbayern e.V.
Up2you – Counselling centre for queer people in Lower Bavaria

- Gender Equality Officer Dr. Claudia Krell, Contact person for the science support staff
- Student Representative for Equality and Diversity
Almedina Veliu, Contact: stud.gleichstellung.diversity@uni-passau.de - Contact person for LGBTIQ+ concers Prof. Dr. Jan-Oliver Decker
Mentoring and Coachings
With the mentUP+ women's mentoring programme, the University of Passau has been supporting and mentoring outstanding young female scientists and the next generation of female managers since 2013.The next cohort will start in May 2024. Interested female early career researchers and female future executives at the University of Passau can apply online until January 31, 2024.
With the mentUP+ women's mentoring programme, the University of Passau has been supporting and mentoring outstanding young female scientists and the next generation of female managers since 2013.The next cohort will start in May 2024. Interested female early career researchers and female future executives at the University of Passau can apply online until January 31, 2024.

With the diversity mentoring programme mentUP*, the University of Passau wants to support and integrate members of groups that have been underrepresented in universities as well as in leadership positions in the best possible way. The next application phase starts presumably in the summer semester of 2024.
With the diversity mentoring programme mentUP*, the University of Passau wants to support and integrate members of groups that have been underrepresented in universities as well as in leadership positions in the best possible way. The next application phase starts presumably in the summer semester of 2024.

You deal with topics such as:
- Clarity about one's own professional role and development
- Dealing with one's own resources
- Career in science or in business
- Work-life balance
- Reconciling family and career
Then let us coach you! Every semester we offer free individual career coaching for female academic staff, habilitation candidates, doctoral candidates, post-doctoral candidates and Master's students with external coaches.
Individual career coaching
You deal with topics such as:
- Clarity about one's own professional role and development
- Dealing with one's own resources
- Career in science or in business
- Work-life balance
- Reconciling family and career
Then let us coach you! Every semester we offer free individual career coaching for female academic staff, habilitation candidates, doctoral candidates, post-doctoral candidates and Master's students with external coaches.

Individual career coaching
Intensive programme for refugees with university entrance qualifications
The Refugee Programme is suitable for refugees who would like to study at the University of Passau or another German university in the future and who have already completed the B2 language course. The programme includes intensive German language courses as well as seminars and workshops to get to know the university system.
Refugee Programme
Intensive programme for refugees with university entrance qualifications
The Refugee Programme is suitable for refugees who would like to study at the University of Passau or another German university in the future and who have already completed the B2 language course. The programme includes intensive German language courses as well as seminars and workshops to get to know the university system.

Refugee Programme
The iStudi Coach is there for you!
Since October 2015, the University has had an iStudi Coach, who offers specific advice to international degree-seeking students enrolled at the University of Passau within the Study & Work initiative. This service is specifically targeted at international students – which is what the 'iStudi' stands for – and helps you with all your questions regarding studies, career orientation and everyday life in Passau.
The iStudi Coach is there for you!
Since October 2015, the University has had an iStudi Coach, who offers specific advice to international degree-seeking students enrolled at the University of Passau within the Study & Work initiative. This service is specifically targeted at international students – which is what the 'iStudi' stands for – and helps you with all your questions regarding studies, career orientation and everyday life in Passau.

Welcome to the University of Passau!
The Welcome Centre is the central advice centre for international (visiting) academics and doctoral students. We support you with all non-academic questions and thus make your start at the university and in the city easier.
Welcome Centre
Welcome to the University of Passau!
The Welcome Centre is the central advice centre for international (visiting) academics and doctoral students. We support you with all non-academic questions and thus make your start at the university and in the city easier.

Welcome Centre
A study done by the University of Konstanz reports on the "Student climate of opinion on th escalation of violence in Israel and Gaza and Anti-Semitism at German Universities". (Study is in German)
Study on Anti-Semitism at Universities
A study done by the University of Konstanz reports on the "Student climate of opinion on th escalation of violence in Israel and Gaza and Anti-Semitism at German Universities". (Study is in German)

Study on Anti-Semitism at Universities
Contact person for anti-discrimination:
- N.N.
Reporting offices for discrimination incidents:
- Disability: Lebenshilfe Passau
- First Time Graduates: Arbeiterkind (Deutschland)
- Extremism: Beratungsstelle Radikalisierung (Deutschland)
- Family: ProFamilia Niederbayern e.V.
- Women: Hilfetelefon "Gewalt gegen Frauen" (Deutschlandweit)
- Violence: Verband der Beratungsstellen für Betroffene rechter, rassistischer und antisemitischer Gewalt e.V.
- LGBTIQ+: LGBTIQ+ Stammtisch Passau
Reporting office for incidents of anti-Semitism:
Reporting Offices for Incidents of Discrimination
Contact person for anti-discrimination:
- N.N.
Reporting offices for discrimination incidents:
- Disability: Lebenshilfe Passau
- First Time Graduates: Arbeiterkind (Deutschland)
- Extremism: Beratungsstelle Radikalisierung (Deutschland)
- Family: ProFamilia Niederbayern e.V.
- Women: Hilfetelefon "Gewalt gegen Frauen" (Deutschlandweit)
- Violence: Verband der Beratungsstellen für Betroffene rechter, rassistischer und antisemitischer Gewalt e.V.
- LGBTIQ+: LGBTIQ+ Stammtisch Passau
Reporting office for incidents of anti-Semitism:

Reporting Offices for Incidents of Discrimination
- Empowerment Workshop for BIPoC students in Germany, Stud.IP-Nummer: 63031 (German/English)
- "The rumor about Israel - Rising anti-Semitism in Bavaria since October 7, 2023" on 24.05.2024 at 10-13:00 o'clok in presence with the RIAS Bayern, Stud.IP-Nummer: 63036 (German)
Courses for Self-defence
- Deescalation and Self-defence training for female students and employees at 11-14 o'clock, Stud.IP-Nummern von 69032 bis 69039 (German/English)
- Empowerment Workshop for BIPoC students in Germany, Stud.IP-Nummer: 63031 (German/English)
- "The rumor about Israel - Rising anti-Semitism in Bavaria since October 7, 2023" on 24.05.2024 at 10-13:00 o'clok in presence with the RIAS Bayern, Stud.IP-Nummer: 63036 (German)
Courses for Self-defence
- Deescalation and Self-defence training for female students and employees at 11-14 o'clock, Stud.IP-Nummern von 69032 bis 69039 (German/English)

The University of Passau offers individual counselling to students with disabilities in all phases of their studies.
Personal counselling
Your contact person at the university, Dr Ulrike Bunge, will be happy to advise you personally on all questions regarding the application for access arrangements. You are also welcome to contact us if you have special needs. Together with you, we will try to find a solution tailored to your personal needs.
Further information on access arrangements
Studying with a disability or chronic illness
The University of Passau offers individual counselling to students with disabilities in all phases of their studies.
Personal counselling
Your contact person at the university, Dr Ulrike Bunge, will be happy to advise you personally on all questions regarding the application for access arrangements. You are also welcome to contact us if you have special needs. Together with you, we will try to find a solution tailored to your personal needs.
Further information on access arrangements
Studying with a disability or chronic illness
At the University of Passau, various contact points offer free and confidential help with psychological problems during studies.
Psychological Counselling Service
The Psychological-Psychotherapeutic Counselling Centre is there to support you as a student of the University of Passau during your studies with individual counselling and support services. It tries to make it easier for you to integrate into the university, helps you to fulfil the requirements of your studies well and advises you on any personal, family or performance-related problems.Psychological Counselling of the Student Union
Dipl. Psych. Johanna Zechmeister
Dipl Psych. Sofia Morogianni
Psychological counselling
At the University of Passau, various contact points offer free and confidential help with psychological problems during studies.
Psychological Counselling Service
The Psychological-Psychotherapeutic Counselling Centre is there to support you as a student of the University of Passau during your studies with individual counselling and support services. It tries to make it easier for you to integrate into the university, helps you to fulfil the requirements of your studies well and advises you on any personal, family or performance-related problems.Psychological Counselling of the Student Union
Dipl. Psych. Johanna Zechmeister
Dipl Psych. Sofia Morogianni

Psychological counselling
Free menstrual products at the University of Passau
On the initiative of the AStA, menstrual products are now available free of charge in the following toilets as part of a pilot project in cooperation with the Diversity and Equality Department:
Juridicum 025 (Unisex)
Nikolakloster 234 (Women's toilet)
Central Library 116 (Women's toilet)
Free menstrual products at the University of Passau
On the initiative of the AStA, menstrual products are now available free of charge in the following toilets as part of a pilot project in cooperation with the Diversity and Equality Department:
Juridicum 025 (Unisex)
Nikolakloster 234 (Women's toilet)
Central Library 116 (Women's toilet)

Free menstrual products
Family at the University of Passau: All offers
University Day Care Centre "Krümelkiste"
TheUniversity Day Care Centre "Krümelkiste" is located on the campus grounds. There are two groups, each with twelve children aged from 8 months to 3 years. Preference is given to children of university members, especially students.
Short-term childcare on campus for children of students and guests of the University of Passau
An important date is coming up and you have a childcare shortage for your child at that time?
Please note the information in the leaflet.
It is necessary to make a request as early as possible using the online form.
Childcare at conferences
The Equal Opportunities Office advises and supports the organisation of childcare during conferences and events at the University of Passau.
Childcare services City of Passau
An overview of all day care centres, kindergartens and day nurseries as well as information on holiday care offers can be found on the website of the City of Passau.
University Day Care Centre "Krümelkiste"
TheUniversity Day Care Centre "Krümelkiste" is located on the campus grounds. There are two groups, each with twelve children aged from 8 months to 3 years. Preference is given to children of university members, especially students.
Short-term childcare on campus for children of students and guests of the University of Passau
An important date is coming up and you have a childcare shortage for your child at that time?
Please note the information in the leaflet.
It is necessary to make a request as early as possible using the online form.
Childcare at conferences
The Equal Opportunities Office advises and supports the organisation of childcare during conferences and events at the University of Passau.
Childcare services City of Passau
An overview of all day care centres, kindergartens and day nurseries as well as information on holiday care offers can be found on the website of the City of Passau.

The KidsBox: A mobile parent-child room
Since 2019, a mobile parent-child room, the so-called KidsBox, has been available at the University of Passau. The KidsBox is intended to help parents reconcile work or study and family life more easily, for example in the event of a childcare bottleneck.
The KidsBox can be borrowed from the Family Service.
The KidsBox: A mobile parent-child room
Since 2019, a mobile parent-child room, the so-called KidsBox, has been available at the University of Passau. The KidsBox is intended to help parents reconcile work or study and family life more easily, for example in the event of a childcare bottleneck.
The KidsBox can be borrowed from the Family Service.
The University of Passau organises its Family Day every year on Repentance Day (no school) in November. This is intended to facilitate the reconciliation of work or study and family: Employees and student parents of the University of Passau are cordially invited to bring their school-age children and grandchildren to the University on this day.
This year's Family Day will take place on 17 November 2021.
Thanks to the commitment of various institutions, professorships and chairs, a diverse workshop programme will be offered for school-aged children and young people.
Family day
The University of Passau organises its Family Day every year on Repentance Day (no school) in November. This is intended to facilitate the reconciliation of work or study and family: Employees and student parents of the University of Passau are cordially invited to bring their school-age children and grandchildren to the University on this day.
This year's Family Day will take place on 17 November 2021.
Thanks to the commitment of various institutions, professorships and chairs, a diverse workshop programme will be offered for school-aged children and young people.

Family day
Diversity-related university groups
External offers and counselling centres
- Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency
- Association of Counseling Centers for Victims of Right-wing, Racist and Anti-Semitic Violence in Germany
- LGBTQ Meeting Passau
- Queer in Niederbayern e.V.
- Up2you – Councelling centre for queer people in Lower Bavaria
- Pro Familia
- Lebenshilfe Passau
- The Violence against women support Hotline
- "Punkt!" - Counseling centre for working with perpetrators of domestic violence
- TelefonSeelsorge - conversations in the German language only
- Muslimisches Seelsorgetelefon - Conversations in German, Turkish, Arabic and Urdu
- Arbeiterkind.de