Research Scientists

- Trans-disciplinary research conceptualization and empirical analysis using a geospatial platform
- Design a socio-ecological research conceptual framework across disciplinary boundaries using and multi-scalar and multi-temporal approach
Current Research Interests
- Global environment management issues and policy oriented trans-disciplinary research
- Remote Sensing/Geospatial tools application for Ecosystem Based Management and decision making
- Landscape Ecology and Socioeconomic AssessmentforIntegrated Natural Resource Management
Academic Background
- 2005: Ph.D. in Environmental Science [Indian Institute of Remote Sensing- IIRS (Indian Space Research Organization- ISRO) & Department of Environmental Science, University of Pune, India]
- 2000: MSc in Environmental Science [Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) [Pantnagar-University], India
Publications to Date
60+ publications as peer reviewed papers, research reports, conference proceedings, web stories and newsletters covering in the sectors Landscape ecology/Water Management/ Biodiversity/ Conservation Biology/ Wildlife and Wetland ecology/ Forest Resource Management and Remote Sensing/GIS applications.
- Nagabhatla Nidhi, Sonali S. Sellamuttu, A. Ghosh Bobba, Max Finlayson, Rohan Wickramasuriya, Martin Van Brakel, S. Narendra Prasad and Chiranjibi Pattanaik. 2012. Insight to Ecosystem Based Approach (EBA) at Landscape Level Using a Geospatial Medium. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing.Springer (Earth and Environmental Science).
- Nagabhatla Nidhi, Malcolm Beveridge, A.B.M. Haque, Sophie Nguyen-Khoa and Martin Van Brakel. 2012. Multiple water use as an approach for increased basin productivity and improved adaptation: a case study from Bangladesh. The International Journal of River Basin Management. Taylor and Francis. Vol 10. Issue 1.121-136
- Nagabhatla Nidhi, Mishra, S., Finlayson, M., Sellamuttu, S.S., Van Brakel, M., Wickramasuriya, R., Pattanaik, C., and Prasad, S.N. 2012. A case study approach to demonstrate assessment and monitoring as a tool for participatory management of ecological resources. Ecologia. Vol 2. Issue 3. 60-75.
- Nagabhatla Nidhi, Wickramasuriya Rohan, Prasad Narendra and Finlayson C. Max. 2010. A multi-scale geospatial study of wetlands distribution and agricultural zones, and the case of India.Tropical Conservation Science,Vol.3 (3): 344-360.
- Nagabhatla Nidhi, C. Pattnaik, S Seneratna Sellamuttu, S. Narendra Prasad, R. Wickramasuriya and Max Finlayson. 2009. Investigation of Aquaculture dynamics in a Ramsar Site using Earth Observation Systems in conjunction with a Socio-economic Assessment. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management. Wiley-Blackwell Publications (ISI). December, Volume 14, Issue 4: 325–336
- Nagabhatla Nidhi and P.S Roy. 2007. Measuring Landscape Parameters: Fragmentation, Disturbance and Biological Richness in Baratang Islands (Andaman) for estimating Landscape Structure, Human and Environment Interlinkages. International Journal of Ecology and Development. Vol. 6, No. S07, Summer, pp 22-36