Newsletter Familyservice April 2024
This newsletter has been translated using automated translation software. Please note that parts of the translation may, therefore, not be absolutely correct. If you have any questions, please contact the Family Services Office of the University of Passau.

Our topics:
Information event "Studying as a parent" on 29.04.
On 29 April 2024, from 10 to 11 a.m., the information event "Studying as a parent" will take place in the parent-child corner in the Mensa.
In an informal setting, (expectant) student parents and interested parties will be introduced to the short-term childcare services of the Diversity and Equal Opportunities Office, the social counselling service of the Lower Bavaria/Upper Palatinate Student Union and the Pro Familia counselling centre in Passau.
Please register with Carina Schropp:
Holiday programme of the Stadtjugendring Passau - childcare in the forest adventure park
The holiday programme of the Stadtjugendring Passau takes place during the Bavarian school holidays - except during the Christmas holidays - from 7 am to 5 pm in the forest adventure park. The programme is for children aged 6 to 14 from the city of Passau.
More information about the holiday programme and registration can be found on the website of the Stadtjugendring Passau.
Haus der Generationen Passau - current programme of events
As a meeting place for people of all ages, the Haus der Generationen Passau is a central and barrier-free facility offering a low-threshold range of counselling, training and events.
You can find the current events in the current programme of the House of Generations and further information on the facility's homepage.
The House of Generations is located in the heart of the city centre, at Heiliggeistgasse 3, 94032 Passau.
New regulations for parental allowance
New income limits for parental allowance apply for births from 1 April 2024. In addition, the possibility for parents to receive basic parental allowance at the same time will be newly regulated: Simultaneous receipt of basic parental allowance is generally only possible for a maximum of one month and only within the first 12 months of the child's life.
An overview with all the information on the new regulations and a parental allowance calculator can be found on the family portal of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.