Newsletter Familyservice March 2024
This newsletter has been translated using automated translation software. Please note that parts of the translation may, therefore, not be absolutely correct. If you have any questions, please contact the Family Services Office of the University of Passau.

Our topics:
Waldkindergarten Ingling: Vacancies for educational specialists – apply by 16 March 2024
In cooperation with the Caritas Association for the Diocese of Passau, the University of Passau founds a forest kindergarten. This is built in Ingling, in the municipality of Neuburg am Inn. As the university's nature education company kindergarten, it will offer childcare places for 20 children from the age of three close to the university (on weekdays until 2 pm).
The opening is planned for September 2024. To this end, the vacant positions must be filled by educational specialists. Further information can be found in the following job advertisements of the Caritas Association (in German) – the application deadline is 16 March 2024:
Studying as a parent Award: Apply by 08.04.2024
The University of Passau awards the "Studying as a parent Award (Studieren-mit-Kind-Preis)" once per semester in all faculties. It honours the best graduates with children in each faculty who have completed their studies with above-average academic achievements.
The prize money is a one-off amount of 500 euros. The University of Passau thus honours the special commitment of student parents.
The application deadline is 8 April 2024.
All information on how to apply can be found on the website of The Executive Support Unit for Diversity and Gender Equality.
Save the Date: Information event "Studying as a parent" on 29.04.2024
On 29 April 2024, the information event "Studying as a parent" will take place from 10 to 11 a.m. in the parent-child corner in the refectory.
The social counselling service of the Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz, the university's short-term childcare service and the pro familia Niederbayern e.V. counselling centre will present themselves and their services and will be available to answer questions from (expectant) parents and interested parties about studying as a parent.
Please register with Carina Schropp at
Free short-term childcare for students' children
Students at the University of Passau have access to free short-term childcare on campus for their children from the age of zero in the event of childcare shortages. The maximum childcare time is five hours per week and per child.
For an initial contact to get to know the centre and settle in, please write directly to our educational specialist Daniela Leirich at
You can then use the online form to register your specific requirements.