Newsletter Familyservice September 2024
This newsletter has been translated using automated translation software. Please note that parts of the translation may, therefore, not be absolutely correct. If you have any questions, please contact the Family Services Office of the University of Passau.

Our topics:
University's forest kindergarten: Childcare places still available from September 2024
There are still places available at university´s forest kindergarten for children starting on 2 September 2024. We are also happy to put your child or children on the registration list for possible later entry dates.
Register your child or children by sending an e-mail to
Include the following information:
the full names of both parents/guardians (first names and surnames)
information on which parent(s)/guardian(s) belongs to which status group of the University of Passau (employed/student - please state matriculation number) or comes from outside (non-university)
the child's full name (first name and surname)
the child's date of birth
Your address in Passau or in the district of Passau (primary residence)
Your current contact details, with telephone number (mobile)
To conclude a childcare contract, please contact the head of the forest kindergarten directly:
Karin Eibl
Telephone: +49 175 4920273
ver.di and Bavarian Civil Servants' Association: Update on inflation compensation also for parental leave
The decision of the Essen Labour Court on the payment of the inflation adjustment bonus during parental leave was overturned by the Düsseldorf Regional Labour Court on 14.08.2024. The appeal was allowed.
Decision of the Essen Labour Court of 16.04.2024 - Ref. 3 Ca 2231/23:
The Essen Labour Court has ruled that the inflation compensation payments agreed in the collective agreement must also be paid in full during parental leave if a full-time employment contract was in place. The judgement is not legally binding.
Nevertheless, ver.di - Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaftand Bayerischer Beamtenbund e. V. recommend that all those affected assert their claims as a precautionary measure.
You can find more information on this at and at
City of Passau: Programme with offers for the 5th Bavarian Dementia Week from 20.09. to 29.09.2024
As part of the 5th Bavarian Dementia Week, a variety of activities will take place in all Bavarian administrative districts from Friday, 20 September 2024 to Sunday, 29 September 2024. The aim is to reach the population and raise awareness of the issue.
Under the following link you will find the events that are offered in Passau:
City of Passau: Children's festival in Bschüttpark on 22.09.2024
On Sunday, 22 September 2024, from 11 am to 5 pm, the city of Passau is organising its 24th children's festival in Bschüttpark.
The event is aimed at families with children aged 0 to 12 and admission is free of charge.
The programme and more information can be found on the website of the City of Passau,
pro familia Niederbayern e. V.: Overview of events
pro familia Niederbayern e. V. is offering a wide range of events for parents and children from 11 September 2024: from baby massage courses and ‘Get Together for Single Parents’ to meetings of the foster and adoptive parents' group and many more.
You can find an overview of all events and dates on the website of pro familia Niederbayern e. V.,