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Studying as a parent Award (Studieren-mit-Kind-Preis)

The University of Passau awards the "Studying as a parent award" (Studieren-mit-Kind-Preis) once per semester at all faculties. The prize is awarded to the best graduates with a child or children in each faculty who have completed their studies with above-average academic performance.
The prize money is 500 euros each. With this award, the University of Passau recognises the special efforts of student parents who have succeeded in combining child-rearing with successful studies.


Target Group

Students with child/children

Price Money

  • 500 Euro

Selection Process

Requirements: above-average academic performance

The following documents must be submitted for the application:

  1. Application form
  2. Curriculum vitae in tabular form
  3. Copy of high school diploma and, if applicable, university transcripts
  4. Diploma or HISQIS transcript
  5. Proof of the child/children to be raised (copy of birth certificate(s))
  6. Letter of explanation as to which childcare services the student has taken on

Please complete the application form online and submit the documents as one file in PDF format.

The decision on the award is made by the Commission for the Award of Scholarships for the Promotion of Equal Opportunities for Women in Research and Teaching.

The Award Winners

Ebru Noisternig

M.A. Charity Studies

Sonja Langenbacher

Dual-Master-Programme in Governance with the University of Budapest

Jakob Wolff

Teacher-Training Primary School

First State Examination

Luis Dick-Teske

Faculty of Law

First State Examination

Simon Karsunke

Faculty of Law

First State Examination

Alaa Alhamzeh

Binational Promotion (cotutelle de these). University of Lyon and University of Passau.

Valentina Just

M.A. Media and Communication

Julia Hasenöhrl

M.A. Charity Studies and Values-based Management

Franziska Nicolaisen

M.A. International Cultural and Business Studies

Eva-Maria Schmid

Teacher-Training Primary School

First State Examination

Marius Wilnat

Bachelor of Education

Olena Döring

M.Sc. Information Systems

Isabell Mönius

Teacher-Training Primary School
First State Examination

Manuel Hölter

M.A. Governance and Public Policy

Ines Böhret

M.A. Charity Studies and Values-based Management

Anna Hinterstocker

M.Sc. Business Administration

Tatiana Cerescu

M.A. Charity Studies and Values-based Management

Natalie Friesen

M.A. Charity Studies and Value-Oriented Management

Florian Stiebler

Teacher-Training Middle School

First State Examination

Janina Eder

M.Sc. Information Systems

Master's thesis:
"Der Einfluss von Unwissenheit auf die Risiskowahrnehmung im Kontext des Privacy Calculus"

Tobias Bloch

M.A. Semiotics of Texts and Culture

Beate Höcker

Teacher-Training Middle School

First State Examination

Joan Nganga

M.A. Charity Studies and Values-based Management

Medina Saracevic
M.Sc. Mobile and Embedded Systems

Master's thesis:
"TSN - aware Resilient Virtual Network Embedding"

together with

Hamza Chahed
M.Sc. Computer Science

Master's thesis:
"Virtualized TSN Truffic Scheduling using High Performance VNF"

Suhaila Akbari

Faculaty of Law, 
PhD student

PhD thesis:
"The WTO Regime of Freedom of Transit for Landlocked Countries and its Impacts on Member's Regional Transit Agreements: The Case of Afghanistan's Transit Trade with Pakistan"

Franziska Leineweber

Faculty of Arts and Humanities, 
Teacher-Training Primary School
First State Examination

together with

Florian Niedermeier

Faculty of Business, Economics and Information Systems,
B.Sc. Information Systems

Bachelor's thesis:
Analyse des SAP Standart-Rückmeldeprozesses in der Fertigungsauftragsabwicklung

Simone Lutz

Faculty of Law, 
Law Programme

First State Examination

Marius Jungk

Faculty of Law, 
Law Programme

First State Examination

Beata Wójcik

Faculty of Arts and Humanities, 
M.A. European Studies 

Master's thesis: 
Die Rolle des Studiums bei der Integration ausländischer Vollzeitstudenten in Deutschland

Yuichi Nakamae

Faculty of Law,
LL.M. German Law for foreign graduates

Master's thesis:
"Kollisionsrechtliche Probleme von Rechtswahl- und Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen in AGB"

Zsuzsanna Huber

Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics,
M.Sc. Computer Science

Master's thesis:
"Versteckte Codierung von Bildinformationen"

Eduard Brehm

Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics,
M.Sc. Computer Science

Master's thesis:
"A method for the practical usage of secret sharing algorithms"

Ijaz Muddassera

Faculty of Arts and Humanities,
M.A. Governance and Public Policy

Master's thesis:
"Political Participation of Women in Pakistan: An Analysis of the Growing Gender Gap in Voter Turnout"

Daniela Wenzl

Faculty of Arts and Humanities, 
Teacher-Training Middle School

Stefanie Zepf-Lederer

Faculty of Arts and Humanities
M.A. International Cultural and Business Studies 

Master's thesis:
Der "Mangel an Perfektion" als Intervention im System - Eine qualitative Studie zum Einsatz von Improvisationstheater im Managing Diversity" 

Derk Lemke

Faculty of Business, Economics and Information Systems, 
M.Sc. Business Administration

Master's thesis: 
Der Einfluss von Hedge Accounting nach IFRS auf die Informationsasymmetrie - Eine empirische Studie am deutschen Kapitalmarkt

Maria Theresa Fuchs 

Faculty of Arts and Humanities
M.A. International Cultural and Business Studies 

Master's thesis: 
Uruguayische Rockmusik als Ausdruck kultureller Identität

Dena Braumandl

Faculty of Arts and Humanities,
B.A. European Studies

Bachelor's thesis:
Albrecht Dürer: "Selbstbildnis im Pelzrock"

Isabell Sanftleben

Faculty of Arts and Humanities,
Teacher-Training Primary School

Ökumene im Kleinen: Die Ökumene seit dem Ökumenismusdekret „Unitatis Redintergratio“ - mit besonderem Blick auf christliche  Kooperationen in der aktuellen Schulpraxis

Research-with-Children Award (2011 to 2015)

Petra Mayrhofer

Bachelor's thesis:
Computerunterstütztes Lernen mit Gebärdensprache für hörbeeinträchtigte Kinder. Konzeption und Entwicklung eines E-Learning-Moduls für Grundschulkinder zur Erarbeitung der Semantik von Präpositionen im Deutschen

Eva-Maria Zaglauer

Master's thesis:
Damus, quia dedisti – wir geben, weil Du gegeben hast – Fundraising im Diözesan-Caritasverband Passau e.V.

Sonja Bühler

Teacher-training thesis:
Literaturgeschichte im Lernbereich "Mit Texten und Medien umgehen" im bayerischen Realschulunterricht - Vergleichende Analyse verschiedener Lesebuchreihen

Stefanie Zepf-Lederer

Bachelor's thesis:
Regain the brain drain oder eine Unterstützungsleistung der armen an die reichen Länder? Eine Analyse von soziokulturellen und ökonomischen Migrationsauswirkungen in Indien und Mexiko


Marie-Helene Wünsch

Room JUR 012
Phone: +49(0)851/509-1026
E-mail: frauenbuero@uni-passau.de

Isolde Höfler

Raum JUR 010
Phone: +49(0)851/509-1019

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