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The scholarship programme Lehramt.International of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), is aimed at student teachers who would like to complete an internship at a school abroad.

The programme supports internships of 1 to 6 months for students as well as internships of 3 to 12 months for graduates of teacher education programmes. The internship is organised by the student him/herself. Students sponsored by a scholarship receive a monthly stipend, a travel allowance and health insurance, accident insurance and private liability insurance. The application is made online via the DAAD application portal.

On the website of the DAAD you will find further information about the scholarship programme Lehramt.International. If you need support or have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail at auslandspraktikum@uni-passau.de.

Contact details

Matthias Schöberl
Matthias Schöberl
Room 329 (LU 8)
Ludwigstr. 8
94032 Passau
Fax: +49(0)851/509-1426
Individual appointments via Zoom or in person, following an arrangement by e-mail or telephone.


Postal address:
Universität Passau
Ref. IV/2 Karriere und Kompetenzen
Stipendien für Auslandspraktika
Universität Passau
Innstraße 41
D-94030 Passau

Visiting address:
Universität Passau
Ref. IV/2 Karriere und Kompetenzen
Stipendien für Auslandspraktika
Ludwigstr. 8 (LU 8 328)
D-94032 Passau

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