Marketplace of diversity
We are DIVERSITY – Learn about university institutions and higher education institution groups that promote diversity on campus and about exciting research projects related to diversity.
With women's mentoring-Since 2013, The University of Passau's mentUP+ programme has been supporting outstanding early female career researchers and the next generation of female leaders.
Since 2019the University of Passau's mentUP* programme has been supporting members of groups who are under-represented in leadership positions.
- Advice for German and international students
- Advice for German and international students
- Help in making decisions
- General questions and problems during your degree programme
- Questions about organising your degree programme
- Changing your degree programme
- Double degree
- If you want to discontinue your studies
- Transition from bachelor’s to master’s
- Provision of extensive information material on the study programmes and subjects at the University of Passau:
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The Digital Research Magazine showcases the outstanding research projects, which strengthen the university's strategic orientation, and places them in a journalistic light. In doing so, it works with elements of digital storytelling and combines texts, images and videos. We find it important to present the diversity of research at our university and the personalities behind it.
Is your research project related to diversity? Are you a researcher with an extraordinary path through life and are willing to tell your story to encourage others to pursue academia? Write to us:
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Since October 2015, the iStudi coach ( has been the central contact for international degree-seeking students with a high degree of interconnection inside and outside the University. The career orientation program iStudi Pass prepares international degree-seeking students for a job in Germany, with training sessions on application and intercultural skills as well as activities with companies and other students; it also aims to counteract the lack of skilled workers.
Since April 2016, the Refugee Programme has been supporting refugees in preparation for and during their studies as well as students who are committed to helping refugees within the framework of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) programmes INTEGRA and WELCOME (funded by the BMBF). Currently, the sub-projects are divided into the areas of study support, career preparation and voluntary work.
The International Support Service Section cooperates closely with the German as a Foreign Language Department at the Language Centre ( and Dr Martina Maletzky at the Chair of Intercultural Communication. Among other things, it implements micro-projects on (forced) migration in the project seminar, which are embedded in a theoretical framework.
The global.trex Passau project aims to strengthen the internationalisation of teacher education at the University of Passau. The project focuses on the international exchange of students, lecturers and researchers.
The goal is to improve mobility incentives for student teachers in Passau to enable a more efficient combination of studying and school internships abroad. This goal is pursued in the form of scholarships. It also supports Students from partner universities (China and Cuba) when they spend an exchange semester at the University of Passau. The profile of global.trex Passau is rounded off by international research projects and lecturer mobility.
It underpins the visibility and added value of combined study visits and illustrates all activities abroad. It also creates preparatory, complementary and follow-up courses, which are supplemented by offers for culturally- and language-sensitive teaching, foreign language education (initially in English) and joint teaching formats with the partner universities.
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Two out of 22 chairs at the Faculty of Law are occupied by women – are you also lacking more role models? Lecturers make sexist jokes and the whole lecture theatre laughs – do you also find this stupid? A bill that makes it a criminal offence to take unsolicited photos under another person's skirt was only introduced in the Autumn of 2019 – where does your physical autonomy begin?
For many years, courageous people of all genders have been fighting for gender equality. They have achieved a lot in the process, but equality is still a long way off! As (prospective) solicitors, we have a special perspective on this topic, and above all we have a wide range of tools. And we don't just learn to use them in our studies. Die Juristinnen* is a network for female-identifying people who are solicitors, law students or simply interested in law at the University of Passau. In addition to exchanging of experiences about gender discrimination, we provide inspiration and further education for female-identifying people. Among other things, we meet every two weeks to discuss social issues from the perspective of feminist jurisprudence. You don't need any previous knowledge to join the discussion, just an interest in the topic. At our meetings, you will meet other committed female-identifying people who are interested in legal issues and no longer want to look the other way. We want to exchange, inform and motivate each other.
Dignity,respectand justice for all!
We are a diverse group (from all subjects, religions, age groups and countries) of students from the protestant church.
The PSC offers
- spiritual mentoring as well as time and space for devotion, reflection, prayer and services
- Events (discussions, lectures, workshops...) on topics covering current, socio-political, (inter)religious, theological, diversity, gender-equality, ecology, personality-building etc, as well as practical, pressure-free time management.
- Voluntary German lessons for refugees and all those who want to learn German, choirs (including the Passau Student Choir together with the Catholic Student Community), sponsors of the Passau Culture Jam (= own student society), etc.
- Pastoral care and counselling
- Information on scholarships and the emergency fund for international students from "Bread for the World", support for scholarship recipients
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The International Office team is on hand to answer all your questions regarding studying abroad and international exchange students' study visits in Passau.
Specifically, this means that we:
- provide general information about semester/studying abroad
- arrange scholarships for study-abroad students
- maintain contacts with partner higher education institutes abroad
- provide support and assistance in the preparation of new exchange programmes
- support exchange students and scholarship recipients from all over the world
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If, due to a disability or prolonged serious or chronic illness, you are not able to complete examinations in whole or in part under the stipulated conditions or are not to take them within the deadlines specified in the study and examination regulations, you are entitled to apply for exam access arrangements.
You can submit this application for access arrangements to the Examination Office.
For your convenience, we describe the exact procedure in more detail on our homepage and provide an application form.
You are welcome to take advantage of the advisory services in the Examinations Office offered by Monika Stockinger, your contact for exam access arrangement.
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The Student Disabilities Officers will be happy to advise you if you have problems during your studies due to a disability, chronic or mental illness and need more time for examinations, for example, or if you cannot complete your studies within the maximum study period, i.e. if you need access arrangement. They will also provide help if you have special needs or need assistance due to your disability or illness.
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The Centre for Careers and Competencies (ZKK) helps students to develop their own personality and assists them in all phases of their career planning: from testing with the Skills Navigator, to attending skills seminars and IT courses, to advising on internships and job searches and getting to know potential employers.
In the area of "key skills", events are offered on topics such as "Prejudice and Discrimination: skills for Action in Career and Society", "Gender Training" or "Management of Cultural Diversity in a Company".
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The University of Passau's Welcome Centre is the central point of contact and advice centre where international (early) career researchers can find support. The Welcome Centre's service portfolio supports the internationalisation of the university in the areas of research and teaching.
The Welcome Centre relieves the burden on the inviting chairs, professorships and central facilities and services when it comes to advising international (early) career researchers and scholars in the following areas, among others: support with legal residence issues, insurance, finding accommodation, access to the university infrastructure (ZIM credentials & CampusCard), support for accompanying families. The integration of the international (early) career researchers and their families is facilitated, among other things, by a programme of events during the semester and German language courses.
The staff of the Welcome Centre also provide a point of contact for international guests who come to the university for further education or teaching purposes under the ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility scheme. Interesting interviews with (early) international career researchers are published in the University of Passau's Digital Research Magazine.
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The University of Passau has been a member of the 'Familie in der Hochschule e. V.' network since 2015. It is committed to structuring studying and working conditions in a family-friendly way. This applies to all areas of university life. Information on childcare, the 'Studying as a Parent Award', care of dependants, nappy-changing and breastfeeding facilities on campus, a check list for employed expectant parents and further information and advisory services can be found under:
Our name says it all!
As different as we may be, we do have one thing in common: we are minorities in German society. This makes it all the more important for us to join forces, because together we are strong!
We are a university group for students affected by racism and are interested in engaging in critical exchange on the topic. We offer a safe space for people of colour, where we can exchange our experiences. In addition, we also run a number of other projects in which we primarily deal with literature and media that is critical of racism!
Our goal is to interconnect and strengthen each other in a world where our voices are often not heard. We embody diversity, solidarity and empowerment and aim to create a campus that is free of discrimination!
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Would you like to present your project or your institution? Then send a short introduction text and a picture to We look forward to your contribution!
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