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Special scholarships

If you have any questions about BAföG, please contact your BAföG officer.

There are some special BAföG regulations for students with impairments, e.g. you can apply for a funding extension under certain circumstances. For further information visit the website of the German National Association for Student Affairs.

If you need to take a leave of absence due to illness and receive BAföG, you be sure to seek advice beforehand from your BAföG officer and from the advisory office for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses. Remember that you will not receive BAföG during a semester on leave. However, you may still be able to apply for unemployment benefit (ALG II). Please enquire at your local job centre. You can also get advice on semesters on leave from the Student Disabilities Officer (ulrike.bunge@uni-passau.de, phone +49 851 509 ext. 1151 or 1154).

If you do not take leave of absence but have to interrupt your studies for longer than three months due to illness, you will no longer receive BAföG after the three months have expired, but you can claim unemployment benefit ("Arbeitslosengeld II" ALG II). Please enquire at your local job centre.

On 4 April 2019, the Bundessozialgericht (Federal Social Court) ruled that students with disabilities who are not entitled to ongoing benefits to secure their livelihood under Book II of the Social Code (SGB II) because they are in receipt of BAföG benefits can receive integration assistance benefits (Eingliederungshilfeleistungen) to cover their running accommodation costs as a benefit for participation in life in the community.

If you incur additional costs for your education because of a disability (e.g. for technical aids such as a blackboard camera or a specific type of hearing aid equipment) or even if those costs are not education-related (e.g. for hygiene articles, household help or travel costs), you can receive financial assistance for this. Please contact the Student Services Association's Welfare Office, ideally before you commence your studies.

Studying abroad

For students with disabilities and chronic illnesses, there is special funding for a stay abroad within the framework of Erasmus+. For further information, please contact Franziska Hanisch, International Office, Room VW 109, Innstr. 41, 94032 Passau, franziska.hanisch@uni-passau.de, Phone: +49 (0) 851 509-1167.

Scholarships for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses

There are a variety of scholarships that can be used to finance your studies.

The decisive factor for a successful application is not only an above-average academic performance. Social or political commitment is also taken into account in the awarding decision for most scholarships. You can find an overview of important scholarships as well as current announcements on the scholarship page of the University of Passau.

aktion luftsprung

Aktion luftsprung ('air jump campaign') supports students with chronic diseases such as cystic fibrosis, inflammatory bowel diseases (especially Crohn's disease), rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis or similar chronic diseases. They should be highly motivated and committed and their motto in life should be: 'Never give up under any circumstances!'. The air jump campaign usually awards five scholarships annually with a monthly grant of EUR 500. The scholarship is initially granted for one year, but re-application is permitted.

Heinz und Mia Krone-Stiftung

Ungererstraße 42 
80802 Munich

E-mail: info@krone-stiftung.org
Internet: www.krone-stiftung.org

The foundation supports integration of people who are dependent on a wheelchair due to an accident or illness. For example, if no other funding agency is responsible for it, funding is provided for house conversions, necessary expert opinions and car conversions.

Elfriede Breitsameter Stiftung

Obere Hauptstraße 10b
85386 Eiching

E-mail: info@breitsameter-stiftung.de 
Internet: www.breitsameter-stiftung.de

The foundation specifically supports one-off measures (e.g. nursing staff or aids) for people suffering from poliomyelitis or multiple sclerosis.

Georg Leffers Stiftung

E-mail: Georg-Leffers-Stiftung@Leffers.de
Internet: http://oldenburg.leffers.de/stiftung/

The Georg Leffers Foundation supports severely mentally and physically handicapped children and adolescents, especially those from socially disadvantaged families.

Target group: disabled students who cannot claim state or other financial support or who are no longer able to do so, or who are unable to do so to a sufficient extent.


Pienzemauerstraße 27
81679 Munich

E-mail: kontakt@nathalie-todenhoefer-stiftung.de
Internet: www.nathalie-todenhoefer-stiftung.de

The foundation supports people with multiple sclerosis who are very sick and whom neither the state nor other charitable organisations can help.

Stiftung Darmerkrankungen

Lange Reihe 29
20099 Hamburg

E-mail: info@stiftung-darmerkrankungen.de 
Internet: www.stiftung-darmerkrankungen.de

The foundation supports patients suffering from Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis who are impaired in their professional or private lives due to the disease as well as scientists in that field. Innovative projects by scientists researching chronic inflammatory bowel diseases are also supported.

Dr. Willy Rebelein Stiftung

Bauvereinstraße 10–12
90489 Nuremberg

Telephone: +49 911 580 740

Ongoing and one-time payments to support additional training needs of physically disabled students in need of financial support due to their disability, if this amount cannot be covered by other agencies. Preference is given to students from the greater Nuremberg area.

E-mail: googlescholarship@employ-ability.org.uk 
Internet: http://www.google.com/studentswithdisabilities-europe/

The initiative awards scholarships for students in the final year of their studies.

Postfach 677
FL-9490 Vaduz
Principality of Liechtenstein

Telephone: +423/2328424

The target group are students from the German language and cultural area who have acquired their higher education entrance qualification in the form of the Abitur, Germany’s highest school leaving examination. Must have a disabled person's pass. Must have completed 10th to 12th grade German, mathematics, a foreign language, history and natural sciences.

Inge und Johann Heinrich Berger-Landefeldt-Stiftung

Alsstraße 12
53227 Bonn

E-mail: post@stiftung-michael.de
Internet: www.stiftungmichael.de

For people with epilepsy. Support is primarily provided in the form of a personal individual grant for measures and assistive devices for which no other funding agency can be found.

Anni und Keyvan Dahesch-Stiftung

c/o Commerzbank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement
Gallusanlage 7
60329 Frankfurt am Main

Internet: www.a-k-dahesch.de

Funding and support for persons who, due to their physical, mental or spiritual condition, are dependent on the help of others as well as support of people in need.

Competence tandems for students with and without disabilities

The programme is aimed at female students with and without disabilities or chronic illnesses who

  • have an interest in equal opportunity collegial cooperation
  • would like to expand their networks and exchange ideas with professionally experienced mentors
  • want to share their professional career and personal development with like-minded people.

In tandem, one disabled student will work with a student without a disability for a year, supported by people with professional experience.

The co-mentors involved in the programme are experienced academics from all disciplines.

Further information can be found on the website of the Hildegardis Association.

The foundation serves to promote physically and sensually handicapped persons who are highly gifted intellectually or otherwise.

Through its current funding programme, the Foundation is financially stretched to capacity. She takes z. We are not currently accepting applications, but requests for support can be made at any time.


Hearing-impaired people with cochlear implants who are studying or in training as well as students and doctoral candidates who are planning research work (with a planned publication) on the topics of "hearing loss" and "cochlear implants" can apply. Funding is also available to individuals who wish to produce and publish writings for and about hearing-impaired people with CI and their families.


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