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Election results are out: Senate, Faculty Boards and Student Parliament

Students, professors, academics and staff from the entire University were called upon on 11 July to vote for their representatives in the Senate and the Faculty Boards. Students additionally voted for their representatives in the Student Parliament.

| Reading time: 1 min.

The composition of the Senate carries great significance, as the Senate of the University decides on key issues such as the study and examination regulations and has a say in professorial appointments; what’s more, its elected members are simultaneously members of the University Council.

The elected professorial representatives in the Senate (respective faculty in brackets) are: Professors Dieter Anhuf (Arts and Humanities), Oliver Entrop (Business, Economics and Information Systems), Siegfried Handschuh (Computer Science and Mathematics), Rüdiger Harnisch (Arts and Humanities), Robert Obermaier (Business Administration, Economics and Information Systems) and Rainer Wernsmann (Law). The representative for academic staff is Marcus Antonio Giamattei; non-academic staff are represented by Stefanie Dallmeier. Students are represented in the Senate by Eva Charlotte Guske (joint list of Juso and Grüne student societies) and Lukas Cramer (joint list of RCDS and Liberale student societies). The Women's Representative is an ex-officio voting member.

The seats in the Student Parliament are distributed as follows: Grüne 5 seats; Liberale 4 seats; Juso 3 seats; RCDS-Passau 3 seats; and Liste der unabhängigen kritischen Studentinnen und Studenten 1 seat. The Student Parliament acts as the mouthpiece for students, relaying suggestions to the University Executive, the faculties and other official bodies of the University of Passau.

The voter turnout of the various groups was as follows (figures are rounded): Professors 71%; academic staff 30%; non-academic staff 34%; students 18%.

For detailed results, visit www.uni-passau.de/wahlen (information in German) 


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