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Parent-Child Breakfast

All employed and student (expectant) parents at the University of Passau and the Student Services Assocation and their children are cordially invited to the Parent-Child Breakfast in the Parent-Child Corner of the refectory on 5 December 2023 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.! Food and drinks will be available for you free of charge.

Registration is possible via StudIP, no. 69020 or for employees of the Student Services Assocation via e-mail at familienservice@uni-passau.de.

2023-12-05, 09:00 - 11:00
Innstraße 29, Mensa, Eltern-Kind-Ecke

Additional Information

Open to not open to the public
Prior registration requested
Organised by Diversity und Gleichstellung
Contact organizer of event familienservice@uni-passau.de

Export calendar entry (iCal)


Ulrike Holzapfel
Room VW 120a
Innstr. 41
94032 Passau


Anja Resch
Room VW 121a
Innstr. 41
94032 Passau
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