Successful institutions will receive funds to grant the nominated scholar research stays by way of a research fellowship of up to 24 months. Successful institutions will also receive a lump sum intended for measures to support Philipp Schwartz fellows in integrating and in re-starting their careers. An extension of up to 12 months can be granted in the framework of a co-financing model.
Please find the updated programme documents and further information on the website of the Philipp Schwartz Initiative. The deadline for nominations is 21 October 2022. Selection results are expected to be available at the end of February 2023. Fellowships can be started as of 1 April 2023.
In view of the vulnerability of electronic communication and the sensitivity of the data transmitted, we urgently request that application documents be encrypted in e-mail correspondence (see programme information). Alternatively, you can provide the documents via secure download link (e.g. via Sharepoint or similar).
Due to the impact of the ongoing worldwide crises, our partner organisations SAR (Rose Anderson) and CARA (Stephen Wordsworth) can only carry out a limited number of threat assessments. We therefore advise you to contact them as soon as possible. Please note that requests for risk assessments can only be submitted by nominating institutions. We also kindly remind you that threat can be proven not only by SAR or CARA, but also by a corresponding residence status in connection with an asylum procedure within the EU or by the detailed, personal statement of a credible third party (e.g. German diplomatic representation abroad, non-governmental organisations or similar). In case of doubt, you are welcome to send us such statements for examination before submitting your application. In the case of Afghan and Ukrainian nominees, a self-report on their at-risk status is sufficient.
Scholars across academic disciplines are supported by the Scholars at Risk Network and the Council for At-Risk Academics. These organizations may be able to assist your institution in identifying a candidate for whom nomination in the Philipp Schwartz Initiative might be a pivotal relief.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the programme director, Mr Frank Albrecht, senior programme coordinator Ms Katja Machacsek (0228 833-182), or programme officers Mr Christian Finke (0228-833-565), Ms Katrin Schlemme (0228 833-166), or Ms Bianca Schneemayer (+49 (0)175 4177530) who can also be reached via mail.