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Job advertisement

The Chair of Prof. Häussler is looking to fill the position of a Doctoral Researcher (Ph.D. candidate) at the next possible date.

| Reading time: 1 min.

The University of Passau owes its strong visibility and good repute to excellent research, innovative teaching and its tight-knit international academic networks. Some 12,000 studentsn from 100 countries and more than 1,300 staff study and work on our University campus, which is located a stone’s throw from the historical Old Town of Passau and combines state-of-the- art technical infrastructure with award-winning architecture. Internationally successful high-tech companies and a vibrant start-up scene, coupled with a rich culture and Lower Bavarian traditions, give Passau and the surrounding area a special appeal that makes it a great place
to live and work.

The Chair of Organisation, Technology Management and Entrepreneurship (Professor Carolin Häussler) and the Research Training Group “Digital Platform Ecosystems” (DPE) at the University of Passau invite applications for the position of

Doctoral Researcher (Ph.D. candidate)

to start at the earliest convenience, but no later than 1 October 2022.

This is an 0.75 full-time equivalent position, based on a fixed-term contract valid for a period of three years, with the option of renewal. Remuneration is in accordance with pay grade E13 of the German public-sector collective agreement, TV-L; the salary step depends on your qualifications and experience

Here you can find the link to the full job advertisement: https://www.uni-passau.de/fileadmin/dokumente/beschaeftigte/Stellenangebote/2022_06_WM_Prof_Kraemer_DPE_Ri_ENG.pdf


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