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M.A. Communication in Digital Societies

Degree awarded Master of Arts (M.A.)
Duration and credits 4 semesters; 120 ECTS credits
Starts in October (winter semester)
Language of instruction German

About the programme

The M.A. Communication in Digital Societies programme allows you to engage in theoretical and application-oriented study simultaneously. Primarily intended for graduates from degree programmes with a focus on communication science, it is the right degree programme for you if you are interested in how the digital media are changing communication processes in the public realm and what consequences this might have for society at large. It takes social-scientific research with a special focus on computational methods and combines this with interdisciplinary aspects of digitalisation. As you progress through the programme, you will acquire a wide range of skills that give you the best preparation for your future career, be it in academic research or working in the digital or communications business sectors. You will have the opportunity to complete an internship during your degree programme, which will give you initial work experience and enable you to apply the knowledge you have gained.


  • Focus on the relevant and topical field of digital communication
  • Methodological focus on computerised research, data collection and analysis processes
  • Strong research orientation through two-semester research projects on current topics in digital communication, which you will complete in a small group with close supervision
  • Clearly structured programme which allows you to shape your individual profile by choosing a minor subject and a large interdisciplinary course offering
  • Compulsory elective modules enable you to approach various aspects of the digital transformation from an interdisciplinary perspective, e.g. by specialising in cultural studies of a world region

Career Prospects

The forward-looking orientation of the degree programme gives you precisely the skills that are in high demand in the media industry. A recent survey1 of 245 media companies in Bavaria revealed that there is an acute shortage of skilled staff for the evaluation of digital data in the media industry, specifically in the sub-sectors press, audio/radio, film/TV/streaming, marketing/PR/advertising and print/online publishing. Anywhere between 56% (film/TV/streaming) and 100% (audio/radio) of the companies surveyed agreed with the statement that there are not enough applicants in this area (Start Into Media, 2022).

In addition to specifically data-related jobs, the degree programme generally qualifies you for positions in the following areas:

  • Public relations for businesses, foundations, associations and political organisations
  • Strategic communication in the field of digital marketing
  • Journalism (e.g. science journalism)
  • Market research
  • Content management
  • Public affairs consultancy

In addition, a university career is of course also possible, as the degree programme prepares you for doctoral study in the field of communication science.

1 Quoted study: Start Into Media (2022). Fachkräfte für die Medien. Was braucht die Branche? Eine Bedarfsstudie für die bayerische Medienlandschaft.

Programme details

This master's programme is divided into two sub-areas of communication studies, Digital Communication Theories and Research Fields and Digital Communication Research and Professional Competencies, as well as the interdisciplinary compulsory elective area Social Science of Digital Transformation.

Sub-area 1

In the first sub-area you will acquire comprehensive knowledge of the theories and research fields of digital communication.

To give you an insight into the topic, you will attend courses, e.g. on the consequences of digitalisation for society and others, which deal with the challenges and opportunities of media transformation. In this course, you will learn theoretical concepts of digital communication studies, enabling you to analyse, explain, classify and reflect on socially relevant areas, such as protest and environmental communication.

Furthermore, the advanced seminars of this module offer you the opportunity to take an application-oriented look at current topics in digital communication. Working in small groups, you will examine current research questions in empirical projects, for example on Fake News in a propagandistic context or the changing role of journalism. This sub-area comprises a workload of 40 ECTS credits.

Sub-area 2

The second sub-area will equip you with research and professional competencies in digital communication. In academic research projects you will apply both traditional and computer-assisted methods of communication science. On the one hand, you will deepen your knowledge of classic social science methods, for example by conducting project-oriented content analyses and surveys. On the other hand, you will learn how to use the programming languages Python and R for the automated collection and analysis of scientific data. With the help of computer-assisted methods, you will examine, for example, how politicians are connected and interact with their audience using social media.

In the context of an optional internship, this module also gives you the opportunity to develop practical professional perspectives. You can also integrate foreign language learning into this sub-area. This sub-area comprises a workload of 35 ECTS credits.

Compulsory elective modules

In the compulsory elective modules, you will approach aspects of digital transformation from an interdisciplinary perspective. You can choose from courses in political science, sociology or cultural studies. In the political science seminars, you will analyse the different levels and dimensions of political communication, e.g. by taking a closer look at social actors such as NGOs or examining how social media are used in election campaigns.

In the cultural studies courses you can choose a specific cultural region from: the Anglo-American, Francophone, Ibero-Romance, Southeast Asian, East Central European or the post-Soviet region. In these courses you will acquire intercultural knowledge by studying, for example, the French language and French cultural practices of the past and modern times. The compulsory elective area comprises a workload of 15 ECTS credits.

In addition to providing a well-founded research-oriented education, the Master's programme gives students much freedom to engage in practical projects. For example, students on this programme developed the podcast series Codified – the Prof Talk at the University of Passau. Excursions are also offered on topics related to digitalisation, e.g. on the challenges of digitalisation and required competencies in the digital field. Last but not least, there are numerous media-related student societies for students to become involved in, such as KONNEX PR (public relations), PRO.FIL and spaetschicht.tv (film and television), Campus Crew (university radio station), CaTer and blank (print and online journalism) or Fotoprojekt Lichtgestalten (photography).

Academic entry requirements

This master's programme is primarily aimed at those who have graduated from an undergraduate degree programme with a focus on communication studies.

You are eligible to apply if you have a university degree in a communication studies or social science subject with a final grade of 2.5 or better in the German grading scale, or an equivalent foreign grade; or if you can provide proof that you were among the best 50% of your cohort.

During your undergraduate degree, you must have gained at least 20 ECTS credits in the field of social-scientific research methods. Examples of courses or modules that would count towards these are:

  • courses/modules in quantitative and/or qualitative research methods (e.g. surveys, content analysis, qualitative interviews, qualitative text analysis, experiments, observation);
  • courses/modules from the field of statistics/data collection/data analysis;
  • application of social-scientific methods in (student-led) research projects (e.g. in the context of seminars);
  • your bachelor's dissertation with relevant methodological orientation.

German language requirements

You will need German language skills at level C1 CEFR or higher to study this degree programme.  If German was the language of instruction for your secondary school education or prior tertiary education, your academic certificates suffice as proof of your language skills. Otherwise, you will have to provide a recognised German language certificate along with your application for a place of study.

English language requirements

You should provide proof of English language skills equivalent to level B2 CEFR.

Application periods and deadlines

Application period for the winter semester:

  • 15 April - 15 July (direct applications)
  • 1 April - 30 June (applications via uni-assist e.V.)

Please use the interactive application guide to find out which application method you should use. 

Application period for the summer semester:

This programme does not accept an intake for a summer semester start.

See also

If you are interested in M.A. Communication in Digital Societies, these degree programmes might also be worth checking out:


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Drop us a line: advice@uni-passau.de

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