Logo of the University of Passau


Once again this year, the University of Passau was able to score a top 10 ranking on the evaluation portal StudyCHECK.de [German content]: Passau was named "TOP University in Germany", reaching 7th place in the ranking of the most popular universities in Germany and 3rd place among Bavarian universities. In the overall German comparison with a total of 96 evaluated higher education institutions the University of Passau attained a very pleasing 25th place.

Evaluation result of the University of Passau: 3.9 stars

The University of Passau currently receives a star rating of 3.9 (out of a maximum of five). The "study content" is rated above average.

Alle Bewertungen lesen

The complete overview of all quality criteria assessed is available at https://www.studycheck.de/hochschulen/uni-passau/bewertungen.

Calculation methodology of StudyCHECK

All evaluations published on StudyCHECK in the last 3 years are included in the calculation of the most popular universities. The total number of points is determined by 3 values: the star rating of the institute, the recommendation rate and the number of published reports.

For each of these calculation factors, a university can achieve a maximum of 5 points and thus receive a maximum of 15 points in the ranking. For example, if an institution has an overall rating of 4.5 stars, this corresponds to a score of 4.5. We proceed similarly with the recommendation rate. A recommendation rate of 80% corresponds to 4.0 points.

The points awarded for the number of testimonials submitted are based on a fixed target value. To receive the full 5 points, an institution needs at least 1500 published reviews. Below that, points are awarded on a pro-rata basis. For example, a university with 750 testimonials will receive 2.5 points.

Graduates and students can rate their degree programmes according to different criteria and pass on individual experiences during their studies with a field report. The following areas can be evaluated:

Study content, lecturers, courses, facilities, campus life, organisation (obligatory up to here) as well as library and refectory (the last two not obligatory).

Source: https://www.studycheck.de/ueber-das-portal

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