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Conference on global data strategies for the 21st century

The Research Center for Law and Digitization (FREDI) at the University of Passau will hold a conference on Global Data Strategies on 20 and 21 September. Taking place in a hybrid online and in-person format, the conference is the first in a series of three.

| Reading time: 2 min.

Global Data Law

The conference series is intended to create a platform to highlight issues of data law and data policy from a global perspective. (Image credit: Colourbox)

Professor Moritz Hennemann, who heads the Research Center for Law and Digitization (FREDI) and holds the Chair of European and International Information and Data Law at the University of Passau, said: "With our three-part conference series on topics of 'Global Data Law', we want to create a platform to shed light on issues of data law and data policy from a global perspective. We are pleased that we are able to welcome renowned experts from Africa, China, Europe and the USA for the inaugural conference, who will discuss and evaluate global, regional and national developments."

Topics include the role and function of data and their governance in the 21st century, as well as the data strategies adopted by Germany, the EU, the USA, China and the Global South. Furthermore, the speakers will explore parameters of data regulation and data economics as well as the prospects of global data legislation and challenges to its practical implementation. Professor Urs Gasser, Harvard Law School/TUM, will deliver the keynote speech.

The conference will take place in hybrid form (in-person and virtually) and will be held in English. For the programme, speakers' profiles and the registration form, visit the conference website at www.digital.uni-passau.de/globaldatalaw. Please note that the number of places for in-person attendance is strictly limited due to the applicable covid-19 rules.

The second conference of the series is scheduled to take place in Accra, Ghana, in autumn 2022. For further questions about the conference series, please contact the FREDI staff at fredi.digitalisation@uni-passau.de.


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