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Research Colloquium: Public Communication in Ukrainian Mariupol under Attack

| Reading time: 1 min.

Prof. Dr. Florian Töpfl (left) and Dr. Olena Melnykova-Kurhanova (right)

Prof. Dr. Florian Töpfl (left) and Dr. Olena Melnykova-Kurhanova (right)

21. February 2023, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Location: HK 28 SR010 (Dr.-Hans-Kapfinger-Straße 28)

The public research colloquium will focus on types of communication during the information blockade in Mariupol, tools of propaganda influence, and the transformation of the city‘s media landscape under siege. The researcher and PICAIS Fellow Dr. Olena Melnykova-Kurhanova will share her experience of surviving in the besieged city and the first results of her research.

 The event will be held as an open reflection seminar and will have a hybrid format (offline and online). It will be dedicated to the anniversary of the beginning of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war.

 The research colloquium will be held in English. All members of the University of Passau and interested members of the public are cordially invited to the event.

 We ask university members who would like to attend to please register in Stud.IP under the event number 21022023. If you are from outside the University and would like to attend, you can register via e-mail to katrin.arkona@uni-passau.de.

Please see the flyer for more information.


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