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Funding through foundations

Information and assistance

If you have any questions regarding funding application to foundations, we will be happy to assist you. Below you will find an overview of the most common foundations. The Federal Association of German Foundations also offers a search engine for a large number of other, smaller foundations.

Through its funding programmes, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation supports scientific cooperation between excellent foreign and German researchers from all disciplines within the framework of research fellowships, research awards and research projects in Germany and abroad.

In the “High Technologies for the 21st Century” program, the Bavarian Research Foundation funds small or individual projects as well as research alliances of at least two independent partners from science and industry based or with a branch in Bavaria in various priority areas. The research projects must be carried out predominantly in Bavaria.

In line with its mission statement, the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU) promotes innovative, exemplary projects to protect the environment. It awards project grants, doctoral scholarships and the annual environmental award.

The Fritz Thyssen Foundation sponsors projects with a particular focus on young researchers in the humanities, social sciences and biomedicine in various funding areas. It also funds conferences in all subject and topic areas.

The Gerda Henkel Foundation exclusively supports the field of historical humanities (including history, art history and legal history), among other things with research projects, doctoral scholarships, post-doctoral scholarships and fellowships.

The Hans Böckler Foundation is the co-determination, research and study funding organization of the German Trade Union Confederation. It supports topic-specific projects (website available in German only) in selected research areas and awards scholarships (website available in German only) for studies and doctorates.

The Robert Bosch Stiftung works in the areas of health, education and global issues. Through its funding instruments, it supports not only specific projects in the funding areas but also open idea development processes at an early stage.

The Volkswagen Foundation promotes science and technology in research and teaching, particularly in promising areas across all disciplines. The funding instruments include, for example, research projects and international cooperations with partners in Germany, as well as funding for individuals.

Jan Bachor
Jan Bachor
Room N12 109
Nikolastraße 12
Phone: +49(0)851/509-3403
Consultation hours: Montag bis Mittwoch
Ines Brachmann
Ines Brachmann
Room N12 110
Nikolastraße 12
Phone: +49(0)851/509-3404
Nancy Scharpff
Nancy Scharpff
Room N12 109
Nikolastraße 12
Phone: +49(0)851/509-1119
Consultation hours: i. d. R. 8:30 - 14:30 Uhr oder n. V.
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