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Energy Crisis // Current measures taken by the University

The University has made preparations in recent months in case there is an energy shortage. As a state institution, we follow the Bavarian state government's guideline on energy consumption reduction in public-sector organisations.

| Reading time: 1 min.

What we are doing to cut down on energy use:

  • Lowering the room temperature to 19 degrees (during the heating period)
  • Reducing air conditioning in the summer months
  • Consistently replacing light sources with LED lighting (this was started more than 10 years ago)
  • Switching off equipment and systems overnight (IT devices and office equipment)
  • Keeping emergency power generators for sensitive technical equipment on standby
  • Filling up the liquid gas fuel storage tank in the rowing and canoeing boathouse
  • Expanding the use of photovoltaics on campus wherever possible
  • Increased use of energy monitoring and management

In addition, the Green Office has launched a campaign that allows all university members to contribute ideas and approaches to saving energy on campus. The Green Office is looking forward to your suggestions!

Where does the University get its energy supply from in the first place?

The main campus is supplied with thermal energy from a district heating network. The energy supplier here is the Passau Hospital. The heat is generated by a gas-fired combined-heat-and-power plant. The off-campus buildings are heated by gas boilers. Most of the rented premises are heated using the municipal utilities' district heating network.

Will the energy crisis lead to yet another "online semester"?

No. This winter semester, teaching will be conducted face-to-face at the University of Passau.

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