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Statement against anti-Semitism, racism and discrimination

Every member of the University should know this and be able to rely on it: The University Executive of the University of Passau condemns all forms of anti-Semitism and discrimination in all areas of the University and will not tolerate any disparagement or invective directed against university members based on characteristics such as sex, age, ethnic or socioeconomic background, sexual orientation, world view/religion or disability.

| Reading time: 2 min.


One of the University's central tasks is to promote diversity and freedom of expression. The University of Passau stands for democratic and tolerant discourse and interaction between university members that is free from racism and anti-Semitism. Our university must be a space where all members of the university community can feel safe to lend expression to their identity and where they are protected from discrimination.

“The constitutionally guaranteed freedom of research and teaching is an indispensable obligation for every member of the University. Everyone must stand up for this freedom within the framework of the rule of law. We must unequivocally advocate that our university, as a place of freedom, be one of tolerance, diversity and respectful behaviour”, said University President, Professor Ulrich Bartosch. As a member of the Executive Committee of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK), Bartosch also co-authored the HRK’s statement “Science needs liberal democracy and the rule of law”, in which its executive board adopts a clear stance against racism, intolerance, anti-science and the attempt to undermine trust in liberal democracy.

Anti-Semitic acts and statements must not be allowed to interfere with free study, work, research and discussion at any German higher education institution. There is no room for discrimination of any kind at our University. When a criminal offence is committed, the University of Passau will work together closely with the authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Professor Christina Hansen, Vice President for International Affairs and Diversity: “Effectively combating anti-Semitism is one of the key challenges for educational institutions. Tackling this requires in-depth knowledge and a sensitive touch of all actors in secondary and tertiary education. Our university offers workshops and information events on anti-Semitism. These are partly embedded in the public event series 'Never again!' planned by the student representatives' council. How to deal with this issue has also been a firmly established part of teacher training for many years.”

Information for the press: For students, the Executive Support Unit for Diversity and Gender Equality is organising a workshop on anti-Semitism in the summer semester in cooperation with RIAS Bayern. The workshop is part of the “Never again! Gegen autoritäre und faschistische Tendenzen” (“Never again! Against authoritarian and fascist tendencies”) series of public speaking events. Details to follow.

Moreover, in cooperation with the Lower Bavarian police, the University will be offering workshops on moral courage to staff and students during summer semester 2024.

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