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THE Impact Ranking: Great Result for University of Passau's Sustainability Work

The University of Passau again performed satisfactorily in the fifth Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking, which evaluates universities' performance against goals and indicators for sustainable development. The University received several excellent results from THE out of 1,625 participating universities, especially in the area of "Reduced Inequalities" (Inclusion).

| Reading time: 3 min.

"Inclusion" measures the extent to which a university – both as an employer and as a place of study – is committed to equal opportunities and the rights of people with disabilities, among other things. With regard to both groups, i.e. students and employees with disabilities, the University achieved excellent results. Furthermore, the University anti-discrimination measures were also rated above average. Overall, the University of Passau is in the group of 101–200 best universities in the world out of more than 900 that have taken part in the comparison in the field of "Inclusion".

"I am very pleased with the result, because it shows the efforts made by the entire university community to create low-discrimination entry routes that are determined less by social background than by the talents of the people who work and do research here. At the same time, this should also spur us on to continue on our path and pursue our goals in the areas of equal opportunities, anti-discrimination, equal rights and family friendliness", said Professor Christina Hansen, the University's Vice President for International Affairs and Diversity and holder of the Chair of Education with a focus on Diversity Research and Learning Spaces in Middle Childhood.

"The Times Higher Education Impact Ranking measures several key indicators of social justice and, with this success, confirms the close interlinking of social, ecological and economic sustainability that we strive for on the campus of the University of Passau", added Professor Werner Gamerith, the University Executive's sustainability commissioner, "and have also anchored institutionally with our own climate action manager. Sustainable development must be viewed holistically and only in this way can it live up to its great ambition."

The University of Passau also achieved results among the top 25 percent worldwide in the fields of "Quality Education" and "Gender Equality". Equality, family-friendliness and sustainability are strategic goals of the University – and the appreciation and visibility gained are a validation of the University's efforts and commitment.

The THE University Impact Rankings assess efforts with regard to the 17 UN goals for sustainable development. The indicators in this ranking focus on the so-called Third Mission, i.e. the way in which universities contribute to society in addition to research and teaching, how they transfer knowledge and technology, and how they fulfil their role model function for good working conditions, compliance with gender equity and diversity standards and environmental action.

The fifth survey of the THE Impact Ranking clearly shows that the Third Mission is playing an increasingly important role. After growth rates of between 30 and 50 percent in the early years, the number of participating universities has most recently increased by another 15 percent. In the overall ranking of all criteria taken together, the University is in the 601–800 group. The University of Passau's so-called "overall score" was maintained at a consistently high level compared to both previous years.


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