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Technik Plus milestones

2019: Eleven new Chairs have now been established, the latest additions being the Chair of Sociology of Technology and Sustainable Development (April 2019) and the Chair of Science Communication (August 2017).

May 2015: Nine Technik Plus chairs have been filled, following the establishment of the Chair of Digital Libraries and Web Information Systems and Chair of Complex and Intelligent Systems at the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics (July and October 2014 respectively), Chair of Internet and Telecommunications Business at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Information Systems (October 2014) and Chair of Psychology and Human-Machine Interaction at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Additional chairs are to follow.

18 July 2014: Collaboration of the University of Passau with the region of East Bavaria has been strengthened on the basis of Technik Plus. At the inaugural meeting in Passau, the presidents of the universities of Passau and Regensburg, OTH Amberg-Weiden, Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Landshut University of Applied Sciences and OTH Regensburg established the INDIGO Network.

May 2014: Technik Plus chairs have been established at all faculties of the University of Passau: The Chair of Strategic Management, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Information Systems (August 2013), the Chair of Sensor Technology (January 2014) and Chair of Dynamical Systems at the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics and the Chair of Common Law at the Faculty of Law.

17 July 2013: The University of Passau established the Transfer Centre. As part of the Technik Plus initiative, the Transfer Centre will provide a platform for knowledge transfer, continuing education and business start-up consultancy. As a central facility of the University, the Transfer Centre's services are available to all faculties and academic disciplines; one of its objectives is to promote and coordinate knowledge and technology transfer in interdisciplinary contexts.

April 2013: As the first new chair under the University's Technik Plus initiative, the Chair of Digital Humanities is established at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and staffed.

18 January 2013: The Lower Bavarian higher education institutions (HEIs) agree to hold regular talks to create stronger links. The first meeting between the presidents of the Lower Bavarian HEIs and the directorate of the Straubing Science Centre is held at the University of Passau. At the meeting, joint research strategies and potential areas of cooperation of the Lower Bavarian institutions were discussed in a cooperative atmosphere.

9 August 2012: Dr Wolfgang Heubisch, the Bavarian Science Minister, visits the University of Passau as part of his innovation tour, and emphasises the importance of Technik Plus as an important signal for Lower Bavaria as a place of academic innovation and excellence, and reaffirms the Bavarian state government's commitment to the Technik Plus initiative.

March 2012: the Bavarian State Parliament gave the go-ahead for the Technik Plus initiative of the University of Passau and Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences, which had previously been approved in a State cabined meeting in 2011. The University of Passau received €2.6 million under the Technik Plus initiative for new staff positions and material expenses. An additional €2.5 million were earmarked as investment funds for furnishing the new facilities, of which €700,000 were allocated in 2012.  The Bavarian State Government announced additional funds for 2013. 

An updated overall proposal, elaborated together with Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences for Technik Plus, is submitted to the Bavarian Ministry of Science.

19 July 2011: Bavarian Minister President Horst Seehofer presents the final report of the Bavarian district administrators on the 'Aufbruch Jetzt' iniatiative, which includes a clear call for the implementation of the Technik Plus initiative. Mr Seehofer supports this motion.

4 July 2011: Cooperation agreement between the University of Passau and Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences.

February 2011: The University Executive unveils the Technik Plus initiative. The primary goal is to strengthen Lower Bavaria as a place of innovation and research. The initiative leads to a proposal to the State Government jointly submitted with Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences.

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