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Statement from the University Executive: We are deeply concerned

The developments in Iran continue to fill us with deep concern. The Foreign Ministry's recent call for German citizens to leave the country for security reasons has laid bare even more starkly the seriousness of the situation.

| Reading time: 1 min.


Tehran skyline during "revolution day" anniversary. Iran, 2016

The University of Passau has already endorsed the German Rectors' Conference's (HRK) statement of 5 October. Today the University is redoubling its condemnation of the Iranian state's use of violence against peacefully protesting students and university staff, which has spread to many cities across the country.

"We are deeply concerned about the shocking amount of state violence. We are in solidarity with the protesting students and academics and are sympathetic to their plight. Freedom of research and teaching is, to us, an indispensable good and a principle that underpins all our international partnerships. Thus, we strongly condemn all moves to restrict this freedom, including in Iran", said University President Professor Ulrich Bartosch.

The University Executive is deeply unsettled by the apparent human rights violations, the restrictions on the freedom of expression and assembly and particularly by the restrictions on women's right of self-determination.

If you are affected by the events in Iran, Maria Schöberl offers psychological support for students in English. You can schedule an appointment directly via Stud.IP.


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