This page provides programme-specific information on examinations. If you are looking for general information on examinations or semester-specific information, follow the relevant link below:
General information on assessments (e.g. on internships, dissertations, theses and certificates) and forms (e.g. on inability to attend examinations, credit transfers etc.).
Semester-related information, such as registration deadlines and examination dates, permitted examination aids and information on viewing exam scripts.
Please use the Adobe Acrobat Reader to edit the forms. Do not use the Reader plugin of your web browser, but download the PDF to your PC before editing. Filling in the form in your browser may possibly lead to filled-in sections being displayed incorrectly.
Please note:
You must be fully enrolled (i.e. not on leave) in your degree programme at the time of registration, while you are writing your thesis and on the submission date.
Contact your chosen supervisor to agree on a topic, then have the supervisor confirm the supervision on the application for admission to the dissertation or thesis.
You must be within the maximum duration of study when you apply for admission to the dissertation/thesis with the Examinations Office and when you hand it in. When handing in your dissertation/thesis to the Examinations Office you must also enclose your application for admission to the dissertation/thesis.
The dissertation/thesis writing period starts on the date of signing by the supervisor.
Please note: If you are planning to study a master's programme at the University of Passau right after your bachelor's degree, your dissertation (for the bachelor's programme) must have been submitted and you must have held the presentation on your dissertation (only Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics) by the first day of lectures of your master's programme.
For citation style, required format and information on how to change the title of the dissertation/thesis, check the website of the supervising chair. Please submit the dissertation/thesis in bound form to the Examinations Office (hard/soft cover or ring binding are permitted). A signed declaration of originality must be included.
Here you can find citation references of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Information Systems.
In the registration confirmation letter you will find information on how and when to submit your dissertation/thesis.
It is imperative that the Examinations Office receive your dissertation/thesis before the deadline. If the submission date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday (for the State of Bavaria), the submission date is the next working day.
If you submit your dissertation/thesis by post, the date of the postmark counts as the submission date.
Please use the following address:
University of Passau
Examinations Office
Dissertation/thesis for (write the name of your degree programme here)
Innstr. 41
94032 Passau
You can also hand in your thesis at the ServicePoint of the Examination Office (see address above, 2nd floor).
If you submit your dissertation/thesis by depositing it in the letter box of the Administration building (Innstr. 41), the receipt date will be stamped on the envelope.
If you are forced to interrupt your work on your dissertation/thesis for reasons outside your control (e.g. due to illness), you may request a deadline extension. Your deadline extension request must be accompanied by relevant documentation detailing the reasons (e.g. medical certificates, completed application).
Application for deadline extension
Further details:
Information on deadline extensions for final dissertation/thesis submission due to illness
The receipt of your work in the examination office is promptly entered in your credit points portal. The date of receipt will be entered as the examination date. You will receive a notification from the credit point portal responsible for you.
As soon as we receive the assessment, we will post the result to your credit point account. You will receive a portal notification in case of changes in your credit points portal.
If your dissertation or thesis was written in a project involving an external partner organisation (e.g. a commercial business) and includes confidential information, the partner organisation will often insist on placing an embargo on the dissertation/thesis.
The Examinations Office does not affix embargo notices to dissertations/theses; instead, it is a separate sheet and an integral part of the bound dissertation/thesis. On the supplementary sheet titled 'Sperrvermerk' (embargo notice), the creator of the work must provide all relevant information relating to the embargo, in particular its duration. The completeness and correctness of the information given is the responsibility of the author.
Theses submitted to the Examinations Office will not be published or passed on to the library for viewing by third parties without the student's consent.
Ms Susanne Nowack
Room VW 214
Innstr. 41
Tel.: +49 851 509-1184
E-Mail contact form