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Diversity Science Slam on 23 May – join in!

The 23rd of May is the nationwide Diversity Day, a date the University of Passau has marked by putting on a range of different events every year since 2020. This year, we would like to showcase the wide range of research done at our University in a Science Slam starting at 7 p.m. in room ITZ 017 (IT Centre Building, Innstrasse 43). Slammers have 10 minutes to present their research in as entertaining and vivid a way as possible. Don't be afraid to get creative in how you put your message across! The winners will be chosen in an audience vote at the end.

| Reading time: 1 min.

Colourful ink blotches

Want to join in? Here's how:

Are you currently researching an exciting topic that you'd like to tell a broad audience about? This can be for anything from a term paper to a habilitation thesis or an international research project, as long as it is related to the topic of diversity. Your presentation can be in German or English. If you’re interested, please register online by 17 April.

We’re looking forward to your contribution!

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