Events & News
The Welcome Centre offers a platform for international academics to get to know other peers. At the monthly events, you can expand your network nationally as well as internationally.
The events take place over the course of the semester. Besides the Orientation Week in October, they include cultural events, workshops and day trips.
Feel free to contact us for information or to take part in the next event.
Current Events - Summer Semester 2024
If you wish to partake in one of our events, please contact us.
You will receive the exact times, meeting points and further information via the invitations in the newsletter.
Please register for the events by sending us an email to
To practice conversing in German in an informal setting away from language courses, there are two regular language cafés in Passau.
Café Deutsch takes place every second Thursday from 17:00 to 19:00 in the common room of the Gemeinsam Leben und Lernen in Europa Association (Lederergasse 1). The exact dates are always published one month in advance in the flyer on the website.
There is also a language café every Thursday from 20:00 at RIO (Lederergasse 50). Various tables are opened there for several languages.
Feel free to try out the offers, alone or with friends and family. Everyone is welcome, regardless of their language level!
On 6 March 2024, the University of Passau was awarded the 'Shaping Diversity' certificate by the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V. (Donors' Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany). This marks the successful completion of the diversity audit in which the University has participated since the end of 2021 and certifies that the University recognizes the diversity of its students and employees and furthermore embraces this diversity for new opportunities in potential for organisational development.
Keeping in context of the Diversity Audit and in collaboration with Dimas D. Laksmana and Enid Still from the Chair of Critical Development Studies, we have collected articles for the Welcome Centre Newsletter. Now we are happy to present these contributions as a collection in the form of our magazine Let's Talk About Diversity and Inclusion.
Calendar of Events of the University of Passau
You can find more of the University's events in the Calendar of Events.