Logo of the University of Passau

Ways to participate

You are interested in sustainability, climate, or environmental protection on campus? Then you are in the right place!

Explore the diverse opportunities to get involved and contribute your ideas and suggestions to build a green university of the future together.

We look forward to working with you on sustainable solutions. Be part of our community!

Share your ideas for a sustainable campus!

Current opportunities to participate

Climate Idea Corner

Come to the Climate Idea Corner – the place where you can contribute to sustainability on campus!

How is our university heated, and where do we source our electricity? Here's your opportunity to learn more and actively participate! At regular intervals on campus, you'll find a booth where you can personally engage with our Climate Protection Manager, Angie Schüppel. We look forward to hearing your perspectives and working together on sustainable solutions. The Inspiration Station provides the perfect opportunity for open dialogue and informal exchange.

Next dates:

On Thursday, April 25, 2024, from 11:30 AM to 2:15 PM, you have the opportunity to contribute your ideas for campus climate protection in front of the Mensa building - simply in exchange for a delicious cookie. You can also ask questions about the current campus efforts. I look forward to your participation!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 from 11:30 AM to 2:15 PM in front of the Mensa building

Round Table Sustainability

We are delighted to warmly invite you to join us in putting sustainability and climate protection at the center of our campus! The Sustainability Hub invites you to actively participate. Our Round Table Sustainability is an open networking format aimed at the entire university community – both staff and students.

We regularly come together to share information and exchange ideas about the progress of activities and initiatives on campus. Your ideas and engagement are essential! Be part of our community and let's act together for a greener future. We look forward to welcoming you to our meetings!

Next meeting:

As part of our climate protection concept for the university, we will focus more on measures that we want to implement on campus in the next 10 to 15 years in the new year. For this purpose, five workshops on the topics of nature and environment, energy, procurement, mobility, as well as waste/water will be offered.

The first session will address the topic of "Purchasing on campus":

Date: Thursday, March 13, 24
Time: 10:15 to 11:45pm
Location: Nikolakloster SR206

Permanent opportunities to participate

No time? No stress!

You can reach out to us anytime with your ideas, suggestions, or questions – be it through email, phone, or in person. Your input is valuable to us!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

How to study and live consciously

The handbook summarizes information and tips for a more sustainable and economical lifestyle.


You want to be regularly informed about opportunities to participate in climate protection and sustainability? Sign up for the ClimUP-Newsletter!


Do you have sustainability-related questions or suggestions? Send us an email at nachhaltigkeit@uni-passau.de.


Angie Schüppel
Angie Schüppel
Room RG3 206
Rudolf-Guby-Str. 3
Phone: +49(0)851/509-4116
Consultation hours: Mo-Fr 9-17 Uhr
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