This page provides programme-specific information on examinations. If you are looking for general information on examinations or semester-specific information, follow the relevant link below:
General information on assessments (e.g. on internships, dissertations, theses and certificates) and forms (e.g. on inability to attend examinations, credit transfers etc.).
Semester-related information, such as registration deadlines and examination dates, permitted examination aids and information on viewing exam scripts.
Please use the Adobe Acrobat Reader to edit the forms. Do not use the Reader plugin of your web browser, but download the PDF to your PC before editing. Filling in the form in your browser may possibly lead to filled-in sections being displayed incorrectly.
Registration deadlines: examination entry for the University of London International Programmes
The repeat examinations in October 2024 were conducted online. No validation codes were therefore required for registration in London.
The examinations in May/June 2025 will take place online.
If you have any questions about the programme, please contact the programme convenor Mr Andrew Otto.
The examination dates for the online examinations in undergraduate Laws are announced on the University of London website.
The University of London website contains further information about the programme and schedules.
Students who, having completed their CertHE in Common Law, require a certificate for the following purposes will receive it after presenting the original certificate from London and their copies to Ms Lang at the Examinations Office:
Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. to 12 noon
Wednesday afternoon: 1:00 to 3:30 p.m.
Closed on Fridays; telephone hotline from 9 a.m. to 12 noon
For data protection reasons, enquiries and applications by e-mail or telephone cannot always be answered. Please contact the contact person for your programme. We apologise for any inconvenience.