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Semester-related information

On this page you will find information that changes each semester, e.g. concerning exam registration, exam dates, seating plans and script viewing.

If you need information on issues such as internships, dissertations and theses, mark improvement, credit transfers or missing an exam due to illness, please visit the general information page instead.

Additionally, degree programme-specific information can be found on the page linked to here.

Winter semester

The following information is updated at the beginning of each winter semester.

Important notice regarding the central examinations in winter semester 2024–25

In the announcement of examination dates below, you will find an overview of all on-campus examinations that are organized or coordinated centrally by the Examinations Office for all faculties in the winter semester 2024/2025 (examinations with date and room coordination):

Please note: In individual cases, changes, postponements or additions may still occur at short notice. Please check the schedule regularly to see if anything has changed.

Examination dates of centrally organized examinations  (German Content last recised 17 December 2024)

The examination times of the centrally organized examinations were planned without overlaps for the degree programmes.

You can find an overview of the examination rooms for centrally organized examinations in our map of the examination rooms for centrally organized examinations.

Decentrally organized examinations
The majority of examinations are organized by the examiners themselves (decentralized), the dates are usually within a period of three weeks from the last week of lectures. The examiners will inform you of the final examination dates via Stud.IP and in the relevant lectures themselves. If you have any questions, please contact the relevant chairs or teaching units directly.

Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics
If there is an open registration for date 1 of the examination, registration for date 2 is only possible once date 1 has been completed with a grade.
For the examinations of the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics, you must present your printed registration certificate at the examination.

Faculty of Law
Here you will find information on the examinations of the Faculty of Law.

Information on the exams of the Faculty of Law [German content]

Notice of approved exam aids für the cetrally organized emaninations:

Announcement of aids for centrally organized examinations:
Permitted aids in the winter semester 2024/2025 (as of 29.01.2025)

For decentrally organized examinations, the examiners will announce the aids.

The seating plans for the centrally organized examinations in the winter semester 2024/2025 are expected to be announced on Monday, 3 February 2025. 

In future, the seating plans will be available via Stud.IP event number “99997 Seating plans for centrally organized examinations”. The plans are posted under the “Files” tab.

For information (seating plans, dates...) on decentrally organized examinations, please contact the chairs.

Viewing of exam scripts for centrally organised examinations in winter semester 2024-2025

Registration for inspection takes place from 23 April to 5 May 2025 via Stud.IP “99998 Registration for inspection of centrally organized examinations from the winter semester 2024/2025”.

Appointment allocation: April 23 - May 5, 2025

Here you will find all important information on the inspection of all faculties.

Only the following exams can be viewed: Exams for inspection

You will also find further important information on viewing examinations and applications for correction in our general information letter.

The inspection of all exams not included in the list can be requested at the chair.

Summer semester

The information below is updated at the beginning of each summer semester.

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