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About the University

An excellent research and study environment in the heart of Europe

Owing to its excellent research, an outstanding study environment, comprehensive knowledge transfer and a tight-knit international network of partners, the University of Passau is a highly visible and respected academic and research institution in the heart of Europe. As a future-oriented, internationally recognised and attractive Bavarian university for Europe, the University of Passau is making significant contributions towards finding solutions for present and future challenges.

Internationally successful high-technology companies, a youthful start-up scene and rich culture imbued with Lower-Bavarian traditions make Passau a town that offers a high quality of life. In Passau, science, culture and an entrepreneurial spirit find their unique combination.

We are proud to have a highly diverse staff and student body and are strongly committed to promoting diversity throughout the entire University. On our urban campus directly adjacent to Passau's Old Town, about 11,000 students hailing from more than 100 countries and approximately 1,300 staff go about their studies and respective research, teaching and professional support roles. The female-to-male student ratio is 60% to 40%, and more than 15% of our students are from abroad. Our campus is not only well-equipped in terms of technical infrastructure but has also won numerous architecture prizes. Take a look at our various university media to get an idea of what makes us tick.

The University strives to continuously improve its position in the global academic landscape and constantly challenges itself to do so. This is reflected not least in the consistently good international ranking results.

It owes this success to its students, academics and staff, but also to its worldwide network of alumni and supporters, who together promote the idea of the university in various ways. Prizes and honours are awarded for special services to the university as well as outstanding contributions to science, teaching, study and knowledge transfer.

An excellent environment for study and research

The University of Passau is among the leading 25% of universities worldwide. And closer to home, the University regularly attains leading positions in academic rankings in Bavaria and the German-speaking world, e.g. in law, business and economics, computer science, communication studies, political science and cultural studies. Representative surveys, such as the Study Quality Monitor, regularly attest to the high level of student satisfaction at the University.

The University offers a modern and flexible teaching infrastructure that enables effective and interactive learning. The continuous development of our degree programmes and quality assurance are of particular importance. Students have access to a comprehensive range of library services and state-of-the-art IT resources. Furthermore, the University attaches great importance to close interaction between students and teaching staff, which strengthens the exchange of ideas and individual support provision within the academic community. High-quality, subject-specific language tuition and international double degree options prepare students for a successful career anywhere in the world. Our students also take advantage of the wide range of exchange programmes and additional qualifications offered. Many students are engaged in projects outside of their degree studies, such as by being an active member in the University's numerous student societies. These provide a valuable contribution to campus life as well as the international and cross-disciplinary profile of the University.

The University is known for its inter- and transdisciplinary research, which is largely aligned with the university's three overarching themes – Europe, sustainability and digitalisation. Take a look at our current research projects and the Digital Research Magazine to find out more.

International networks

Internationality has always been a hallmark for the University, as well as an important strategic aim. This is underpinned by our intensive global connections, particularly the international collaborations and research partnerships of our scholars and scientists.

The Passau International Centre for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies (PICAIS) facilitates research stays for internationally renowned academics and supports collaboration and network-building.

Students and alumni form networks such as the Alumni Club and the kuwi network, which reach far beyond the University of Passau and establish a connection to the university with events and regular meetings in many places around the world.

Many of our degree programmes offer students the chance to earn international double degrees, and all our students have access to a large range of language courses and student exchange programmes. Our subject-specific language programmes in law, business, economics, cultural studies, international relations, teacher education, computer science and mathematics ideally complement our students’ degree studies and give them an edge on the international labour markets.

Knowledge and technology transfer and start-up support

As a university, we consider it one of our primary duties to highlight the social relevance of academic research and make new knowledge usable.

The range of subjects at the University of Passau encompasses the humanities, law, social sciences, economics and business as well as computer science and mathematics. The knowledge and technologies that emerge from our research should be usable for society and businesses. This is our understanding of knowledge and technology transfer. Achieving this aim requires a flow of information between academia and society – a flow that runs in both directions.

We provide knowledge that can be used in social, cultural, legal or business contexts and place a special focus on promoting entrepreneurial activities and making them usable for society.

Virtual tour

Explore the campus of the University of Passau with our 360-degree campus tour.

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