Curriculum vitae
You can write your resume either in tabular form or as continuous text. However, the tabular form is more common.
The curriculum vitae should show your personal and professional development without any gaps. Be sure to also consider extracurricular, extracurricular interests and activities!
Sample CVs can be found on the website of the Centre for Careers and Competencies at the University of Passau.
Study project
incorporating your studies abroad in the overall project of your studies:
- Specialisation of the study topic at the foreign higher education institution;
- Participation in special programmes that do not exist at your home higher education institution;
- etc.
As far as possible, please indicate which type of courses (in terms of content and subject matter) you would like to attend abroad.
The study project must be written in the language of the country or the language of instruction. If you choose higher education institutions from countries with various national or teaching languages, you must write cover letters in different languages. The maximum length is 1.5 pages.
Technical information can also be obtained from the respective programme officer.
Language certificate
If the language skills do not result from the HISQIS, you must submit a copy of a certificate from the Passauer Fachspezifische Fremdsprachenausbildung (FFA) or, if no such certificate has been obtained, of another individual language certificate or a UNIcert®.
In some cases, proof of successfully completed language tests is already required when applying for studies abroad.
Do I have to provide proof of language proficiency even if I had the language of my host country at school?
No. To apply for a place at a partner university, a school leaving certificate, for example, is sufficient. Please note, however, that you may have to submit relevant documents directly to a partner university when you register.
For example, if I apply for a partner university in Finland where the language of instruction is English, which language do I have to prove?
Include your English credits with your application and write your CV and cover letter in English. If you are fluent in the languages of the host countries, please also include the relevant certificates.