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Daily hacks for sustainable living

Even small changes in everyday life shape the future more sustainably. These tips for more sustainability in your work routine are easy to implement. Join in and initiate positive changes!

  • Turn off standby devices:
    • Switch off electronic devices completely when not in use, instead of leaving them in standby mode. Standby consumption can accumulate over the long term.
  • Choose energy-efficient devices:
    • When purchasing new electrical appliances, pay attention to the energy label and prefer energy-efficient models.
    • The use of virtualized desktops is particularly energy-saving.
  • Heat and cool efficiently:
    • Keep windows and doors closed when the heating is on.
    • Adjust the room temperature to an energy-efficient level.
    • Ventilate only for a few minutes.
  • Boil the right amount of water:
    • Boil only the amount of water in the kettle that you need for your drink.

Save energy

Save energy
  • Turn off standby devices:
    • Switch off electronic devices completely when not in use, instead of leaving them in standby mode. Standby consumption can accumulate over the long term.
  • Choose energy-efficient devices:
    • When purchasing new electrical appliances, pay attention to the energy label and prefer energy-efficient models.
    • The use of virtualized desktops is particularly energy-saving.
  • Heat and cool efficiently:
    • Keep windows and doors closed when the heating is on.
    • Adjust the room temperature to an energy-efficient level.
    • Ventilate only for a few minutes.
  • Boil the right amount of water:
    • Boil only the amount of water in the kettle that you need for your drink.
Decorative image of the tile 'Save energy'

Save energy

  • Use reusable products:
    • Use reusable water bottles, coffee cups, shopping bags, and other reusable items to reduce single-use packaging.
  • Shop consciously:
    • Purchase products with minimal packaging and prefer bulk items. Avoid individual packaging and look for recyclable materials.
  • Proper waste separation:
    • Separate your waste. This ensures that recyclable materials do not end up in the trash.
    • In the office: Paper waste goes in the gray bin, general waste in the black insert. Post-Its can be disposed of in the paper waste.
    • Dispose of organic waste preferably in the kitchenette.
    • Empty pens can be disposed of in edding's pen recycling boxes.
  • Recycle electronics:
    • Dispose of electronic devices such as phones, computers, and batteries at specialized recycling facilities to properly dispose of hazardous materials and recover valuable resources.
  • Upcycling and repair:
    • Before discarding something, consider if it can be repaired or upcycled. Upcycling gives old items a new function, and repairs can extend the lifespan of products.

Reduce and recycle

Reduce and recycle
  • Use reusable products:
    • Use reusable water bottles, coffee cups, shopping bags, and other reusable items to reduce single-use packaging.
  • Shop consciously:
    • Purchase products with minimal packaging and prefer bulk items. Avoid individual packaging and look for recyclable materials.
  • Proper waste separation:
    • Separate your waste. This ensures that recyclable materials do not end up in the trash.
    • In the office: Paper waste goes in the gray bin, general waste in the black insert. Post-Its can be disposed of in the paper waste.
    • Dispose of organic waste preferably in the kitchenette.
    • Empty pens can be disposed of in edding's pen recycling boxes.
  • Recycle electronics:
    • Dispose of electronic devices such as phones, computers, and batteries at specialized recycling facilities to properly dispose of hazardous materials and recover valuable resources.
  • Upcycling and repair:
    • Before discarding something, consider if it can be repaired or upcycled. Upcycling gives old items a new function, and repairs can extend the lifespan of products.

Decorative image of the tile 'Reduce and recycle'

Reduce and recycle

  • Cycling or walking:
    • Use a bicycle or walk for short distances. This is not only environmentally friendly but also good for your health. You can, for example, use a job bike.
  • Use public transportation:
    • Prioritize public transportation such as buses, trains, and trams. They are more efficient and reduce individual carbon footprints.
  • Carpooling:
    • Share rides with others, especially if you have the same route. This reduces the number of vehicles on the road and saves fuel. Soon, there will be a platform for this.
  • Electric or hybrid vehicles:
    • If owning a vehicle is necessary, consider buying an electric or hybrid car. These vehicles have lower CO2 emissions compared to traditional gasoline or diesel cars. Charging facilities are even available on campus.
  • Carsharing and rental bikes:
    • ​​​​​​​Utilize car-sharing services or rental bikes for occasional trips instead of owning a car. This is often more cost-effective and environmentally friendly. Passau also has a Carsharing service available.

Environmentally friendly transportation

Environmentally friendly transportation
  • Cycling or walking:
    • Use a bicycle or walk for short distances. This is not only environmentally friendly but also good for your health. You can, for example, use a job bike.
  • Use public transportation:
    • Prioritize public transportation such as buses, trains, and trams. They are more efficient and reduce individual carbon footprints.
  • Carpooling:
    • Share rides with others, especially if you have the same route. This reduces the number of vehicles on the road and saves fuel. Soon, there will be a platform for this.
  • Electric or hybrid vehicles:
    • If owning a vehicle is necessary, consider buying an electric or hybrid car. These vehicles have lower CO2 emissions compared to traditional gasoline or diesel cars. Charging facilities are even available on campus.
  • Carsharing and rental bikes:
    • ​​​​​​​Utilize car-sharing services or rental bikes for occasional trips instead of owning a car. This is often more cost-effective and environmentally friendly. Passau also has a Carsharing service available.
Decorative image of the tile ' Environmentally friendly transportation'

Environmentally friendly transportation

  • Use the dishwasher efficiently:
    • Wait until your dishwasher is fully loaded before turning it on. This maximizes efficiency and reduces water consumption per load.
  • Conscious water management:
    • Make sure that water is not left running unnecessarily when it is not needed.

Save water

Save water
  • Use the dishwasher efficiently:
    • Wait until your dishwasher is fully loaded before turning it on. This maximizes efficiency and reduces water consumption per load.
  • Conscious water management:
    • Make sure that water is not left running unnecessarily when it is not needed.
Decorative image of the tile 'Save water'

Save water

  • Reduce meat consumption:
    • Cut down on your meat consumption, especially red meat and processed meat products. They have a big impact on the environment.
    • Plant-based alternatives can help reduce your ecological footprint.
    • The Mensa offers a daily vegan and vegetarian option, and the cafeterias provide numerous snacks.
  • Regional and seasonal foods:
    • Favor food from the region and pay attention to seasonal products. This supports local farmers, reduces transportation distances, and minimizes CO2 emissions.
  • Avoid food waste:
    • Plan your meals carefully to avoid food waste.
    • Leftovers can be repurposed or frozen.
    • Ensure to compost food scraps when they can no longer be used.
    • Soon, there will be a Fairteiler in the NK copy room. Utilize it to reduce food waste.

Sustainable nutrition

Sustainable nutrition
  • Reduce meat consumption:
    • Cut down on your meat consumption, especially red meat and processed meat products. They have a big impact on the environment.
    • Plant-based alternatives can help reduce your ecological footprint.
    • The Mensa offers a daily vegan and vegetarian option, and the cafeterias provide numerous snacks.
  • Regional and seasonal foods:
    • Favor food from the region and pay attention to seasonal products. This supports local farmers, reduces transportation distances, and minimizes CO2 emissions.
  • Avoid food waste:
    • Plan your meals carefully to avoid food waste.
    • Leftovers can be repurposed or frozen.
    • Ensure to compost food scraps when they can no longer be used.
    • Soon, there will be a Fairteiler in the NK copy room. Utilize it to reduce food waste.
Decorative image of the tile 'Sustainable nutrition'

Sustainable nutrition

  • Pay attention to labels and certifications:
    • Rely on labels and certifications indicating sustainable practices, such as Fair Trade, organic, or the EU Ecolabel. The Environmental Protection Agency's label guide navigates through the jungle.
  • Buy locally:
    • Support local businesses and farmers by purchasing products grown or made in your region. This reduces transportation distances.
  • Quality over quantity:
    • Invest in durable, high-quality products. This not only reduces the need for replacement purchases but also minimizes waste.
  • Avoid overconsumption:
    • Ask yourself before making a purchase if you really need the product. Avoid overconsumption and impulse buying.
  • Sharing and swapping:
    • Share items with others or participate in exchange events. This promotes the circular economy and reduces the need for new purchases.
    • For example, you can take books and office supplies for free from the NK copy room (NK226).
    • Many student groups organize regular clothing swap parties.

Consume consciously

Consume consciously
  • Pay attention to labels and certifications:
    • Rely on labels and certifications indicating sustainable practices, such as Fair Trade, organic, or the EU Ecolabel. The Environmental Protection Agency's label guide navigates through the jungle.
  • Buy locally:
    • Support local businesses and farmers by purchasing products grown or made in your region. This reduces transportation distances.
  • Quality over quantity:
    • Invest in durable, high-quality products. This not only reduces the need for replacement purchases but also minimizes waste.
  • Avoid overconsumption:
    • Ask yourself before making a purchase if you really need the product. Avoid overconsumption and impulse buying.
  • Sharing and swapping:
    • Share items with others or participate in exchange events. This promotes the circular economy and reduces the need for new purchases.
    • For example, you can take books and office supplies for free from the NK copy room (NK226).
    • Many student groups organize regular clothing swap parties.
Decorative image of the tile 'Consume consciously'

Consume consciously

Get involved with one of the many sustainability-related student groups at the University and contribute your ideas on campus!

Get engaged

Get engaged

Get involved with one of the many sustainability-related student groups at the University and contribute your ideas on campus!

Decorative image of the tile 'Get engaged'

Get engaged

At the University, there are many ways to learn more about sustainability and climate protection:

Outside of the University, there are also many resources on the topic. Search online for the subjects, and you will find plenty of information!



At the University, there are many ways to learn more about sustainability and climate protection:

Outside of the University, there are also many resources on the topic. Search online for the subjects, and you will find plenty of information!

Decorative image of the tile 'Learn'


  • Choose energy-efficient devices:
    • Invest in energy-efficient devices and technologies.
    • Make sure your electronics are certified with Energy Star or similar labels.
    • At the University, we consider this when making purchases.
  • Research when buying new:
    • Pay attention to eco-friendly and sustainable alternatives when acquiring new devices.
    • Consider aspects such as materials, manufacturing processes, and lifespan.
  • Repair and recycle:
    • Opt for devices that can be easily repaired.
    • When devices can no longer be used, recycle them properly to avoid electronic waste.
    • The University operates a used goods market for professional use.
  • Behave consciously:
    • Turn off devices when not in use and use energy-saving modes.
    • Pay attention to the energy consumption of apps and programs.
    • Use digital storage but clear it regularly.
    • Reduce paper consumption by favoring digital documents.
  • Limit your data volume
    • Reduce the amount of unnecessary data. Delete spam, old files, and unnecessary apps to save storage space.
    • Use cloud storage efficiently and delete unnecessary files, as they consume electricity during storage. The same applies to emails.

Digital sustainability

Digital sustainability
  • Choose energy-efficient devices:
    • Invest in energy-efficient devices and technologies.
    • Make sure your electronics are certified with Energy Star or similar labels.
    • At the University, we consider this when making purchases.
  • Research when buying new:
    • Pay attention to eco-friendly and sustainable alternatives when acquiring new devices.
    • Consider aspects such as materials, manufacturing processes, and lifespan.
  • Repair and recycle:
    • Opt for devices that can be easily repaired.
    • When devices can no longer be used, recycle them properly to avoid electronic waste.
    • The University operates a used goods market for professional use.
  • Behave consciously:
    • Turn off devices when not in use and use energy-saving modes.
    • Pay attention to the energy consumption of apps and programs.
    • Use digital storage but clear it regularly.
    • Reduce paper consumption by favoring digital documents.
  • Limit your data volume
    • Reduce the amount of unnecessary data. Delete spam, old files, and unnecessary apps to save storage space.
    • Use cloud storage efficiently and delete unnecessary files, as they consume electricity during storage. The same applies to emails.
Decorative image of the tile 'Digital sustainability'

Digital sustainability

Ten simple tips for the office

Anyone can join in! The ten tips for more sustainability in the office are easy to implement.

Saving electricity and heating and sorting waste in the office are just a few simple steps with a big impact on our environment. Conscious use of office supplies, paper and electronic devices also promotes sustainability on campus. The canteen and cafeterias offer a wide range of vegetarian and vegan options as well as plastic-free snacks

Nachhaltigkeit im Büro - 10 einfache Tipps.The donor recycling box will be available soon.


You want to be regularly informed about opportunities to participate in climate protection and sustainability? Sign up for the ClimUP-Newsletter!


Do you have sustainability-related questions or suggestions? Send us an email at nachhaltigkeit@uni-passau.de.

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