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Examination procedure for examiners

Central examinations

The Examinations Office informs the chairs for whom it organises exams centrally of the relevant dates and deadlines.

Non-centrally organised exams

  • Please announce the exam format during the registration period, so that students can still decide whether or not they wish to sit the respective exams at this time.
  • Please submit a room booking.
  • Announcement of exam date and venue: This should be done at least four weeks before the date of the (first) exam
  • Please publish the seating plans (only matriculation and seat numbers; no names!) in advance on your website and on Stud.IP.
  • Leave sufficient time between successive exams.
  • It is recommended that you have one invigilator for every 50 candidates.
  • See also the checklist in the Downloads area

For central examinations, the Examinations Office will attach clearly visible seat numbers to the desks to help students find their seats quickly. Students can look up their seat numbers in the seating plans announced on the semester-related information page.

For non-centrally organised examinations, you must attach clearly visible seat numbers to the tables yourself, unless the room is also used for centralised examinations and the seat numbers are thus already attached.

Rules for exam candidates

  • You are only permitted to have the following items on your desk: writing utensils (no pencil cases), proof of identity (this should be placed at the outer edge of the desk), any other officially permitted exam aids, paper handkerchiefs, snacks and drinks.
  • You may place your personal belongings in a closed, non-transparent bag next to your desk. During the exam, you must not pick up or open your bag.
  • If you urgently need something from your bag, you must ask the invigilating staff for permission first. If you are caught handling your bag without permission, you will be failed for cheating. This also applies if you have a mobile phone in your bag that is switched on, even if the bag is closed.
  • While the exam is in progress, only one person is allowed to leave the room on a toilet break.

Instructions for uploading the marks

Information on suspected plagiarism or attempted deception

Examination authorisation

Here you will find information and application forms for examination authorisation in accordance with the Bavarian Higher Education Act at the respective faculties.

This process is currently being revised for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Education as well as for the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies.

Information on examination authorisation (German content)

The examination boards appoint the examiners at the beginning of each semester.

Information on examination authorisation (German content)

The appointed examiners are announced on the following faculty website for the respective Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes.

The examination board appoints the examiners and the assessors. It may delegate the appointment to the chairperson.

Information on examination authorisation (German content)

The appointed examiners will be announced on the following faculty website.

The examiners for the intermediate law examination are appointed by the dean. The examiners for the University Law Examination are appointed by the Examination Board for the University Law Examination.

Information on examination authorisation (German content)

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